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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to green:   (1369 results)

mature, ripe

Often used in the same context:
red, blue, yellow, brown, eco, florescent, purple, orange, kelly green, plumbago, pink, sustainability, gray, ungreen, solarize, aucuba, tannish, phosphorescent, orangish, light, tee, oxblood, fairway, dapple, fluorescent, bright, fescue grass, white, enviro, teal, viridian, aqua, carbon, privet hedge, suiter, environmentalism, poinciana, kangaroo paw, maroon, olive, lime green, amber, paloverde, purply, bulbed, leafiness, shamrock, buttonwood, clean, waratah, renewable, hazels, liquidambar, bronzy, gooseneck loosestrife, purplish blue, magenta, vinca minor, cattleya, skulled, brandywine, bunker, yellowy, holly fern, bluish green, blackish, energy, colored, mottle, strawflower, tricolored, squeegeed, creeping thyme, vermillion, cowslips, beige, unmown, balsamroot, tangerine, fernlike, goldish, ecru, king protea, dark, trout lily, chelonia mydas, stringybark, pistache, verte, landscaping, silver birch, indigo blue, reddish orange, plantable, bicolored, hybrid, environmentally sound, leafy vegetable, canary yellow, deciduous holly, stripes, orangy, colour, tint, tints, color, grey, hue, lavender, mauve, buff, shade, verdant, greener, greenest, bluegreen, hued, darkgreen, lush, strewn, sunlit, watered, aquamarine, bloodred, grassy

More specific:
amusement park, beet green, bluish green, bottle green, central park, chard, chartreuse, chop-suey greens, chrome green, common sorrel, dandelion green, emerald, french sorrel, funfair, greenishness, jade, jade green, lamb's-quarter, leaf beet, olive green, paris green, pea green, pigweed, pleasure ground, sage green, salad green, salad greens, sea green, sorrel, spinach, spinach beet, sprout, swiss chard, teal, turnip greens, village green, wild spinach, yellowish green, yellow green

Appears in the definition of:
., abelmoschus esculentus, abies grandis, absinth, absinthe, acanthisitta chloris, acer saccharinum, achillea ptarmica, acorn squash, actias luna, actinidia chinensis, actinidia deliciosa, actinolite, action plant, african lily, african tulip, agapanthus africanus, agastache nepetoides, aglaonema modestum, aguacate, ailanthus silkworm, alecost, alexandrite, alligator pear, allium fistulosum, allium porrum, almond, almond willow, alnus crispa, alnus veridis crispa, alstonia scholaris, amaranth, amatungulu, amazon, ambrosia artemisiifolia, american basswood, american beech, american green toad, american hellebore, american hornbeam, american lime, amygdalus communis, anaglyphy, andradite, angrecum, anjou, antiseptic, aphis pomi, apple, apple aphid, approach, approach shot, apron, aqua, aquamarine, archaebacteria, archaebacterium, archaeobacteria, archeobacteria, argyroxiphium sandwicense, ariocarpus fissuratus, arisaema atrorubens, arisaema triphyllum, artemisia, artemisia vulgaris, asarum virginicum, asparagus asparagoides, asplenium viride, atlas cedar, atriplex hymenelytra, atriplex mexicana, augite, auroral, australian pea, australian pitcher plant, autophytic, autotrophic, avocado, avocado pear, avocado tree, baize, balsam herb, bamboo fern, bambusa vulgaris, basket fern, bayberry, bayberry tallow, bayberry wax, bearberry willow, beefsteak plant, beef plant, beetleweed, begonia semperflorens, bella sombra, bell pepper, bengal bean, benghal bean, berteroa incana, beta-carotene, bible leaf, black-eyed pea, black bamboo, black cottonwood, black fritillary, black hellebore, black hollander, black opal, black pine, black sumac, bladder campion, bloodstone, blowfly, blow fly, blue-green, blue african lily, blue ash, blue fig, blue racer, bluish green, bocconia, bocconia frutescens, boehmeria nivea, bog star, bok choi, bok choy, bonduc, bottle-green, bottle green, boulder fern, bowiea volubilis, bow wood, box white oak, brachystegia speciformis, brash oak, brassavola, brassia, brassia lawrenceana, brassia verrucosa, brassica oleracea capitata, brassica oleracea gemmifera, brassica oleracea italica, brassica rapa chinensis, brazilian pepper tree, brisbane quandong, brittlebush, brittle bush, broad-leaved twayblade, broccoli, broccoli raab, broccoli rabe, brussels sprout, brya ebenus, bryonia dioica, buckleya, buckleya distichophylla, budgereegah, budgerigar, budgerygah, budgie, buffalo gourd, bufo debilis, bufo viridis, bugbane, bull pine, bush honeysuckle, butterbean, buttercup squash, butterfly orchid, butterfly orchis, butter bean, butter daisy, button fern, cabbageworm, caimito, cakile maritima, calabazilla, california lady's slipper, california live oak, california pitcher plant, california privet, calisaya, calosoma scrutator, calyx, camassia quamash, camellia japonica, camo, camouflage, candleberry, cankerworm, cannabis, canyonlands national park, cape may warbler, capriciously, caragana sinica, carissa grandiflora, carissa macrocarpa, carpinus caroliniana, castanea chrysophylla, castanopsis chrysophylla, cattleya citrina, cedrus atlantica, celery cabbage, celtis australis, cephalotus follicularis, cercidiphyllum japonicum, cercidium floridum, cercopithecus aethiops, cetonia aurata, ceylon bowstring hemp, chara, characeae, chard, chartreuse, chelonia, chelonidae, cheloniidae, chenopodium botrys, chervil, chicot, china grass, chinese cabbage, chinese celery, chinese evergreen, chinese gooseberry, chinese parasol, chinese parasol tree, chinese pea tree, chinese scholartree, chinese scholar tree, chinese silk plant, chinese white cabbage, chlamydomonadaceae, chlorite, chlorococcales, chlorococcum, chlorophis, chlorophyceae, chlorophyl, chlorophyll, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyte, chlorosis, chop-suey greens, chrome green, chrysanthemum balsamita, chrysoberyl, chrysolepis chrysophylla, chrysolite, chrysophyceae, chrysophyllum cainito, chrysophyta, chrysopid, chrysopidae, chrysoprase, chrysotile, chutney, cichorium endivia, cimicifuga foetida, cinchona calisaya, cinchona ledgeriana, cinchona officinalis, cinnamon fern, civet bean, class chlorophyceae, class chrysophyceae, class cryptophyceae, class cyanobacteria, class cyanophyceae, class heterokontae, class xanthophyceae, clearweed, clematis vitalba, cleome pinnata, climbing onion, coast live oak, cobalt blue, cocozelle, coeloglossum bracteatum, coeloglossum viride, coelogyne, colorado blue spruce, colorado river hemp, colorado spruce, coltsfoot, coluber constrictor flaviventris, common bamboo, common camas, common european ash, common garden cress, common mugwort, common ragweed, common sage, concoction, confederate jasmine, coniogramme japonica, coracias garrulus, cos, costmary, cos lettuce, courgette, cover crop, cow-tongue fern, cowage, cowpea, cowpea plant, cowpen daisy, crambe maritima, creeping willow, creme de menthe, cresson, cress green, crisphead lettuce, crotalaria, cryptogramma crispa, cryptophyceae, crystal tea, crystal violet, cucumber, cucumber vine, cucumis melo reticulatus, cucumis sativus, cucurbita argyrosperma, cucurbita foetidissima, cucurbita maxima, cucurbita mixta, cuke, cunningly, cup, cupric acetate, cushaw, cyan, cyanophyceae, cyanophyta, cyclamen, cyclamen purpurascens, cypripedium arietinum, cypripedium californicum, dace, dalea spinosa, dalton, daltonism, daphne laureola, dark, darlingtonia californica, dawn redwood, dead nettle, demantoid, dendroica tigrina, dennstaedtia punctilobula, dense-leaved elodea, derris elliptica, derris root, desert holly, desert plume, desmid, deuteranopia, deuteranopic, devil tree, dieffenbachia sequine, diervilla lonicera, dika, dipogon lignosus, disa, dita, dita bark, division chrysophyta, division cyanophyta, dolichos lignosus, dumb cane, dutch clover, dwarf mountain pine, dwarf sumac, dwarf willow, early spider orchid, eater, egeria densa, elaeocarpus grandis, elodea densa, emerald, emerald creeper, encelia farinosa, enceliopsis nudicaulis, encyclia citrina, encyclia venosa, endive, engelmann's spruce, engelmann spruce, ensilage, epidendrum venosum, epipactis helleborine, eriocaulon aquaticum, etiolate, euglena, euglenaceae, euglenid, euglenoid, euglenophyte, eurasian green toad, european ash, european hackberry, european parsley fern, european roller, evening lychnis, evergreen, evergreen huckleberry, evergreen plant, explorer's gentian, fagus americana, fagus grandifolia, fairway, falcatifolium taxoides, fall cankerworm, false smut, family characeae, family chelonidae, family cheloniidae, family chlamydomonadaceae, family chrysopidae, family euglenaceae, family lennoaceae, family nostocaceae, family oedogoniaceae, family oscillatoriaceae, family tribonemaceae, family ulvaceae, family zygnemataceae, feather geranium, feijoa, fen orchid, fen orchis, fetid bugbane, fiddlehead, fiddlehead fern, firmiana simplex, flag, flat pea, florida bean, florida strap fern, foetid bugbane, forge, fragrant sumac, frasera speciosa, fraxinus americana, fraxinus excelsior, fraxinus quadrangulata, french bean, french sorrel, friendship plant, fritillaria affinis, fritillaria biflora, fritillaria lanceolata, fritillaria liliaceae, fritillaria mutica, frog orchid, galax, galaxy, galax urceolata, garden pepper cress, garden sorrel, garnierite, genip, gentiana acaulis, gentiana calycosa, gentianella, gentian violet, genus brassia, genus chara, genus chelonia, genus chlorella, genus chlorococcum, genus chlorophis, genus euglena, genus hernaria, genus lycaena, genus malaxis, genus nostoc, genus oedogonium, genus opheodrys, genus penicillium, genus russula, genus trichodesmium, genus ulva, genus volvox, giant chinkapin, giant fir, ginep, gird, glauconite, gnetum, gnetum gnemon, golden-eyed fly, goldeneye, golden chinkapin, golden club, golden crownbeard, golden crown beard, golden polypody, golf hole, gooseberry, gooseberry bush, granadilla tree, granadillo, grand fir, granny smith, grape, grass, grass parakeet, grass snake, greater butterfly orchid, green-blind, green-blindness, greenbottle, greenbottle fly, greenery, greeneye, greengage, greengage plum, greenhood, greening, greenishness, greenish blue, greenish yellow, greenly, greenness, greensand, greensickness, greenside, green alder, green algae, green apple aphid, green arrow arum, green bean, green card, green gentian, green gold, green hellebore, green lacewing, green light, green mamba, green monkey disease, green olive, green peach aphid, green pea soup, green smut, green smut fungus, green snake, green spleenwort, green turtle soup, grevillela parallela, griselinia lucida, grivet, gumbo, gymnocarpium dryopteris, gymnocarpium robertianum, gymnocladus dioica, habenaria chlorantha, haplopappus acaulis, hardstemmed bulrush, hardstem bulrush, haricot, haricots verts, haricot vert, hart's-tongue fern, hay-scented, hay-scented fern, head cabbage, head cabbage plant, heart-leaf, heartleaf, hedge nettle, heliotrope, helleborus orientalis, helleborus viridis, helmet orchid, hemp, herb of grace, herb paris, hernaria, heterokontae, heterotrichales, hibiscus esculentus, hiddenite, hoary alison, hoary alyssum, hole, holly-leaves barberry, hollygrape, holophytic, honeydew, honeydew melon, honey berry, hooker's green, hornblende, hortensia, hovea, hubbard squash, humble plant, hydrangea macrophylla hortensis, hygrophorus caeruleus, hyson, iceberg, iceberg lettuce, idesia, idesia polycarpa, idocrase, incienso, indescribably, indian poke, indian relish, indian turnip, iresine herbstii, iresine reticulata, iridoprocne bicolor, iron oak, irvingia gabonensis, italian rye, italian ryegrass, italian vegetable marrow, jacamar, jack-in-the-pulpit, jack pine, jade, jade-green, jadeite, jadestone, jade green, jade vine, jalapeno, jalapeno pepper, japanese beetle, japanese leaf, japanese leek, japanese pagoda tree, japanese varnish tree, japanese yew, japonica, jasper, jeffrey's pine, jeffrey pine, jerusalem oak, john dalton, june grass, katsura tree, katydid, kea, kendal, kendal green, kentucky blue, kentucky bluegrass, kentucky coffee tree, kentucky wonder, kentucky wonder bean, kentucy blue grass, key lime, kingdom monera, kiwi, kiwi fruit, kiwi vine, knawe, knawel, kuri-chiku, labrador tea, lactuca sativa longifolia, lady's-finger, larix occidentalis, larix russica, larix siberica, lathyrus sylvestris, laver, leaf beet, ledum groenlandicum, leek, lemon sumac, lennoaceae, lenten rose, leopard frog, lepidium sativum, lesser twayblade, leuciscus leuciscus, ligustrum ovalifolium, lime, limestone fern, liparis, liparis loeselii, listera convallarioides, listera cordata, listera ovata, live-and-die, liverwort, living granite, living rock, lolium multiflorum, lonicera dioica, lovebird, lowland fir, lowland white fir, ludicrous, luna moth, lycaena, lychnis alba, maclura pomifera, mahonia aquifolium, mahonia nervosa, malachite, malaxis, mamoncillo, manduca quinquemaculata, manduca sexta, marburg disease, marburg hemorrhagic fever, marrow, marrow squash, mashie niblick, meconium, mediterranean hackberry, melicocca bijuga, melicocca bijugatus, melilotus officinalis, melopsittacus undulatus, meryta sinclairii, metasequoia, metasequoia glyptostrodoides, methylene blue, methylthionine chloride, mexican tea, mimosa pudica, mint geranium, mission bells, missouri gourd, mock orange, mock turtle soup, monera, mosstone, moss agate, moss green, mother-in-law's tongue, mother-in-law plant, moth orchid, moth plant, mountain grape, mountain parsley fern, mountain pine, mountain sumac, msasa, mucuna aterrima, mucuna deeringiana, mucuna pruriens utilis, mugho pine, mugo pine, myrica pensylvanica, myrtle, narrow-leaved everlasting pea, natal plum, navigation light, nephrolepis pectinata, nestor notabilis, netted melon, net melon, northern oak fern, norway spruce, nostocaceae, nutmeg melon, oak fern, oconee bells, oedogoniaceae, oedogoniales, oedogonium, okra, okra plant, old man's beard, olive, olive-drab, olivenite, olive brown, ombu, opheodrys, ophrys sphegodes, order chlorococcales, order heterotrichales, order oedogoniales, order volvocales, oregon grape, oregon holly grape, oregon larch, ornithogalum umbellatum, orontium aquaticum, orthochromatic film, osage orange, oscillatoriaceae, osmunda cinnamonea, pakchoi, paloverde, palo verde, panamica, panamiga, paris green, paris quadrifolia, parkinsonia florida, parnassia palustris, pascal celery, paschal celery, pea, pea-green, peace lily, peacock blue, pea green, pea plant, pellaea rotundifolia, peltandra virginica, penicillium, pepperwort, pepper grass, pepper steak, peridot, perpendicularly, persea americana, persian melon, phlebodium aureum, phoenix tree, phototrophic bacteria, phototropic bacteria, phyllostachys nigra, phytolacca dioica, piccalilli, picea abies, picea engelmannii, picea glauca, picea pungens, pieris rapae, pilea involucrata, pilea pumilla, pin, pineapple guava, pinite, pinus banksiana, pinus jeffreyi, pinus monticola, pinus mugo, pinus ponderosa, pipewort, pistachio, pistachio nut, plasma, platanthera chlorantha, plop, poa pratensis, polygala alba, polypodium aureum, ponderosa, ponderosa pine, pond scum, popillia japonica, populus trichocarpa, post oak, potage st. germain, potato worm, prairie gourd, prairie gourd vine, prickly-seeded spinach, prince's-plume, procaryote, prokaryote, protanopic, prunus amygdalus, prunus dulcis, ptilonorhynchus violaceus, ptloris paradisea, puka, purple pea, putter, putting iron, pyocyanase, pyocyanin, quandong, quandong tree, quercus agrifolia, quercus stellata, quetzal, quetzal bird, rabbit's-foot fern, ram's-head, ram's-head lady's slipper, ramee, ramie, ramona, rana pipiens, rattlebox, red-blind, red-green color blindness, red-green colour blindness, red-green dichromacy, redwood penstemon, red beech, red bryony, red shrubby penstemon, rhubarb, rhubarb plant, rhus aromatica, rhus copallina, rhus glabra, ribes grossularia, ribes uva-crispa, rice-grain fritillary, richweed, riflebird, rifleman bird, romaine, romaine lettuce, roman nettle, rosemary, rose beetle, rose chafer, rosmarinus officinalis, rough bindweed, rue, rumex scutatus, running light, russula, ruta graveolens, sac, sage, sage-green, salix amygdalina, salix herbacea, salix repens, salix triandra, salix uva-ursi, salvia officinalis, samia cynthia, sansevieria zeylanica, sapphirine, sapsago, satin bird, satin bowerbird, satyr orchid, sauce louis, sauk, scallion, scarlet sumac, scattering, scented fern, schinus terebinthifolius, scirpus acutus, scleranthus annuus, scotch asphodel, scuppernong, sea-green, sea-lettuce family, sea-rocket, searcher, searcher beetle, sea cole, sea green, sea kale, sea lettuce, senecio doublasii, senega, sensitive plant, sepal, serpent fern, sesbania exaltata, seven iron, shame plant, shamrock, shell parakeet, shining sumac, shortia galacifolia, showstopper, siberian larch, sidelight, sieva bean, silage, silene latifolia, silversword, silver maple, silver oak, silver pine, silver quandong tree, silver spruce, sleepy dick, small-leaved lime, small-leaved linden, smilax, smilax aspera, smoke tree, smooth sumac, snap, snap bean, sneezeweed yarrow, sneezewort, snow pea, solitary vireo, solomon's-seal, sophora japonica, sophora sinensis, spanish fly, spanish lime, spanish lime tree, spanish rice, spathe flower, spathiphyllum, spider orchid, spinach, spinach beet, spinach plant, spinacia oleracea, spring frog, spurge laurel, stachys sylvatica, stanleya pinnata, starflower, start, starting signal, star apple, star jasmine, stemless golden weed, stenotus acaulis, stinking cedar, stinking yew, stink fly, stizolobium deeringiana, stone mimicry plant, string bean, strongylodon macrobotrys, stuffed peppers, styrax, sugar pea, sugar snap pea, suited, summer snowflake, sunray, sun visor, swamp candleberry, sweet almond, sweet cicely, sweet pepper, sweet woodruff, swertia speciosa, swiss chard, swiss mountain pine, tanacetum balsamita, tangle orchid, taxus cuspidata, teal, tender, thelypteris dryopteris, thevetia neriifolia, thevetia peruviana, thompson seedless, threadleaf groundsel, tilia americana, tilia cordata, tobacco hornworm, tody, tofieldia pusilla, tomato hornworm, tomato worm, toothed sword fern, torreya taxifolia, torrey tree, touch-me-not, trachelospermum jasminoides, tracheophyte, traveler's joy, traveller's joy, tree celandine, tree swallow, tremolite, tribonemaceae, trifolium repens, tuba root, tuckahoe, tulip orchid, turquoise, turtle soup, twayblade, tyrolean, ulva, ulvaceae, urtica pipulifera, ustilaginoidea virens, vaccinium ovatum, vanilla, vascular plant, vegetable marrow, velvet bean, veratrum viride, verbesina encelioides, verde antique, verdigris, verdure, verd antique, vesture, vesuvian, vesuvianite, vigna sinensis, vigna unguiculata, vinca minor, vinegar tree, vireo solitarius, viridity, vivid, volvocales, volvox, wake-robin, waldmeister, wandflower, watercress, watermelon, waxberry, wax begonia, welsh onion, western balsam poplar, western larch, western tamarack, western white pine, western yellow pine, white-bellied swallow, white ash, white beech, white campion, white clover, white cockle, white fritillary, white hellebore, white spruce, wild hop, wild mango, wild mango tree, wild pumpkin, windsor green, winnebago, winter melon, witloof, wood laurel, xanthophyceae, ximenesia encelioides, yarder, yellow-green, yellow-leaf sickle pine, yellowish green, yellow giant hyssop, yellow green, yellow honeysuckle, yellow oleander, yellow sweet clover, zucchini, zygnemataceae

Part of:
beehive state, equality state, golf course, golf links, links, mormon state, urban area, utah, wyoming

More general:
chromatic color, chromatic colour, colour, discolor, discolour, land site, parcel, parcel of land, piece of ground, piece of land, river, site, spectral color, spectral colour, tract, vegetable, veggie

chromatic, colored, common, commons, dark-green, fleeceable, green river, greenish, greenness, greens, gullible, immature, inexperienced, leafy vegetable, light-green, naif, naive, new, park, putting green, raw, unaged, uncured, unripe, unripened, unseasoned, viridity, wet behind the ears

Also try:
— Nouns for green: leaves, eyes, light, grass, algae, color, plants, fields, vegetables, colour, beans, more...

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