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Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (60 results)

3 syllables:
workbasket, arsenate, journalist, bergamot, firmament, tournament, turbulent, arsonist, arcminute, permanent, pearlescent, organist, corpulent, armament, martinet, orpiment, corposant, argument, parliament, herbalist, termagant, fortunate, ordinate

4 syllables:
invertebrate, subordinate, determinant, determinist, advertisement, apportionment, encirclement, rearmament, coordinate, extortionate, impermanent, operculate, appurtenant, unfortunate, disheartenment, contortionist, bicarbonate, proportionate, disarmament, importunate, supernatant, impertinent, diversionist, excursionist, misfortunate, reversionist

5 syllables:
reapportionment, insubordinate, semipermanent, specious argument, superordinate

6 syllables:
member of parliament, logical argument

7 syllables:
sodium bicarbonate, literary argument, newspaper advertisement

8 syllables:
elimination tournament

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Adjectives for ornament: chief, architectural, only, mere, external, beautiful, greatest, principal, carved, brightest, shaped, more...

— People also search for: candleholder, wreath, decoration, figurine, vase, pinecone, birdhouse, trivet, pendant, sterling silver, candy cane, more...

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