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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to ascribe:   (150 results)

Often used in the same context:
impute, attribute, equate, misunderstand, posit, conflate, overemphasise, characterize, presume, infer, cite, misinterpret, perceive, espouse, refer, imply, overestimate, misperceive, overgeneralize, fixate, extrapolate, gainsay, generalize, arrogate, deride, analogize, preordain, assume, assert, inheres, overlook, opine, insinuate, overrate, postulate, describe, misconceive, argue, discern, construe, underplay, acknowledge, explain, exaggerate, propound, allude, expatiate, anthropomorphise, absolve, believe, avow, deduce, interpret, speculate, overstate, mythologize, idealize, emphasize, surmise, ignore, recognize, exculpate, understate, internalize, connotes, profess, theorise, presuppose, sentimentalise, bespeak, assign, liken, manifested, proclaim, portray, misconstrue, concede, anthropomorphize, becloud, belittle, admit, dissociate, concur, confuse, criticize, denigrate, blame, disavow, misjudge, downplay, derive, invoke, negate, underestimate, say, understand, disclaim, predicating, decry, naysay, misstate, denote, speak, think, affirm, andrews, buy, commentator, curator, curators, express, nothing, partialities, professor, professors, schoolmaster, stephens, abound, academician, academicians

More specific:
accredit, anthropomorphize, blame, carnalize, charge, credit, externalize, interiorise, interiorize, internalise, internalize, personate, personify, project, reattribute, sensualize

Appears in the definition of:
anthropomorphise, anthropomorphize, call, cargo cult, carnalize, sensualize

More general:
arrogate, claim, judge, lay claim

arrogate, assign, attribute, impute

Also try:
— Adjectives for ascribe: many, vulgar, public, adroit, french, uninitiated, unlearned, present, great, former, old, more...

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