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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to characterized:   (1515 results)

Often used in the same context:
described, termed, typified, punctuated, exemplified, manifested, evidenced, defined, ascribed, portrayed, contrasted, attributed, decried, precipitated, referred, marked, engendered, epitomized, labeled, characterised, paralleled, depicted, exacerbated, presaged, regarded, equated, likened, marred, derided, occasioned, accentuated, interpreted, highlighted, reflected, viewed, preceded, perceived, alluded, descried, bordered, resulted, fueled, exhibited, implies, observed, portends, denounced, foreshadowed, connotes, noted, triggered, symbolized, overshadowed, catalysed, cited, represented, illustrated, categorized, evinced, chronicled, culminated, recapitulates, pervaded, forebodes, bespeaking, accompanied, fostered, summarized, counterbalanced, compounded, considered, perpetuated, evoked, emphasized, couched, counteracted, called, personified, embodied, bemoaned, verging, underpinned, blamed, tempered, beset, hampered, deplored, limned, provoked, degenerated, disparaged, juxtaposes, elicited, underlies, demonstrated, undermined, dubbed, coincided, prefigured, counterpoised, buttressed, signified

Appears in the definition of:
., abetalipoproteinemia, abient, absence, abstract expressionism, abusive, acanthosis nigricans, accurate, acidemia, acidotic, acne, acronymic, acronymous, actinomycosis, action painting, active, acute glossitis, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, acute myelocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia, add, addictive, additive, adenomyosarcoma, adhd, adient, admissive, adulterous, adult respiratory distress syndrome, adynamic, aerial, aeriform, aery, aesthetic, aesthetical, affectional, affective, agammaglobulinemia, agranulocytosis, agranulosis, airy, akinetic epilepsy, albers, albers-schonberg disease, albigensianism, aleppo boil, alkalemia, allantoic, allergic, allusive, allusiveness, alpine scurvy, amalgamative, ambivalent, amebic dysentery, amentaceous, amentiferous, amicability, amicable, amicableness, amitosis, amnic, amnionic, amniotic, amoebic dysentery, amyloidosis, anabolic, anaclitic, anaesthetica, anal personality, anal retentive personality, anapaestic, anapestic, anasarcous, anchoritic, anecdotal, anecdotic, anecdotical, anencephalic, anencephalous, anesthetica, aneurism, aneurysm, angiohemophilia, anglophilic, anglophobic, animal, animate being, anionic compound, anorexia nervosa, antagonistic, antheridial, anti-semitic, antipathetic, antipathetical, antisocial personality disorder, anxiety neurosis, anxiety reaction, aplastic anaemia, aplastic anemia, apothegmatic, apothegmatical, apyretic tetanus, arachnid, arachnoid, ardent, ards, arduous, argumentative, armed, articulate, artificial, artless, art nouveau, aspergillosis, assimilating, assimilative, assimilatory, associative, associatory, assured, asthma, asthma attack, asymmetric, asymmetrical, ateleiosis, ateliosis, atheist, atheistic, atheistical, athleticism, atonal, atonic, atopic dermatitis, atopic eczema, atrophic, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, auditory hyperesthesia, aural, autarchic, autarchical, autarkical, autogamic, autogamous, autoimmune diabetes, autoimmune disease, autoimmune disorder, bacillary dysentery, backbreaking, bad, banded, banti's disease, banti's syndrome, bare-knuckle, bare-knuckled, basidial, basidiosporous, bear market, beast, becker muscular dystrophy, begin, benignant, bibliomaniacal, bighead, billowinga, billowy, binge-purge syndrome, binge-vomit syndrome, biome, bipolar disorder, bird, bird family, birefringent, blackwater, blackwater fever, black knot, bladder fern, bladed, blasphemous, blepharitis, blessed, blind staggers, blue, blue-blindness, blue mold fungus, blunt, bookish, borderline schizophrenia, bosin's disease, botox, botulinum toxin a, brainish, breakbone fever, bright, brilliant, broad, bronchial asthma, bronchial pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, bronzed diabetes, bronze age, brown rot, brucellosis, brute, bryophyta, bubonic plague, bulimarexia, bulima nervosa, bull market, bumpy, bungaloid, bunt, buoyant, burninga, busy, butterfly orchid, butterfly plant, byzantine, cagey, cagy, calm, cancer of the blood, candid, canine distemper, cantering rhythm, capacitance, capacitor, capiz, carbocyclic, carboxylic acid, carcinomatous myopathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, casual, catabolic, catachrestic, catachrestical, catatonia, catatonic, catatonic schizophrenia, catatonic type schizophrenia, catha, catharism, cattleya, cattle plague, cellular, cellulitis, central american country, central american nation, cephalopod, cephalopod mollusk, charcot-marie-tooth disease, charitable, chary, chelate, chelated, cherished, chilly, chirpy, chlorosis, cholera morbus, choleric, chorea, chromatic, chromoblastomycosis, chronic, chronic bronchitis, chronic eczema, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, chronic myelocytic leukemia, church of scientology, chutzpanik, cjd, cladonia, class mammalia, class sarcodina, clawfoot, clear, cliff-hanging, clifflike, cliffy, clonic, clonus, closeness, coccidioidomycosis, coccidiomycosis, cold gangrene, collectivised, collectivized, collegial, collywobbles, columnar, composite, composite plant, concentration camp, conceptual, condenser, configurational, confusedness, confusion, congenital pancytopenia, conscientious, consonant, conversion disorder, conversion hysteria, conversion reaction, coral, courteous, covalence, covalency, covalent, creature, creeps, crescent-cell anaemia, crescent-cell anemia, creutzfeldt-jakob disease, crimson, critical, crude, cryopathy, cryptococcosis, curvilineal, curvilinear, cushing's disease, cutaneous leishmaniasis, cyclopean masonry, cytomegalic, daltonism, dancing lady orchid, dandy fever, darkening, dark comdey, dawson's encephalitis, daze, debasing, decisive, decorous, defined, degrading, deific, delhi boil, deliberative, delusional, dementia praecox, democratic, dengue, dengue fever, depression, derivational, dermatomyositis, descriptive, desert rheumatism, determined, deuteranopia, devious, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, diametric, diametrical, dieback, diligent, dirty, disarray, discoid lupus erythematosus, disease of the neuromuscular junction, disorganized schizophrenia, disorganized type schizophrenia, disruptive, dissident, dissonant, distal muscular dystrophy, disyllabic, diverticulitis, division bryophyta, dle, dm, do-nothinga, dogmatic, dogmatical, domenikos theotocopoulos, doo-wop, downright, dream, drepanocytic anaemia, drepanocytic anemia, dry gangrene, duality, dynamic, dynamical, dysostosis multiplex, dyspepsia, dystopian, dystrophy, earnest, eaton-lambert syndrome, ebola, ebola fever, ebola hemorrhagic fever, eclampsia, ecologic, ecological, economic crisis, eczema herpeticum, eczema hypertrophicum, effeminate, elasmobranch, electrical condenser, eliot, elliptic, elliptical, el greco, embryoma of the kidney, emotive, emulous, endemic typhus, endogamic, endogamous, english-gothic, english-gothic architecture, enlightenment, enteritis, eolithic, epidemic parotitis, epiglottitis, epilepsia major, epilepsia minor, epilepsy, epimorphic, equine distemper, eremitic, eremitical, eremitism, ergotism, erroneous, erysipelas, erythematous, erythema nodosum, erythroblastosis, esthetic, esthetical, ethereal, euphonic, euphonical, euphuism, exact, exanthema subitum, exclusion principle, exogamic, exogamous, exopterygota, expansive, expansiveness, expeditious, explosive, expressive, extracurricular, extramarital, extravert, extraverted, extravertive, extrovert, extroverted, extrovertive, factual, fallot's syndrome, fallot's tetralogy, familial hypercholesterolemia, family lepidodendraceae, family xylariaceae, fanconi's anaemia, fanconi's anemia, farce, farce comedy, fast lane, faulty, fauna, fauvism, feathery, febrile, federal, felicity, fervent, fervid, fetal distress, feverish, fibrinous, fiery, filth, filthiness, filthy, fine, flag smut fungus, fluent aphasia, fly, foetal distress, fog, fooling, forceful, forest goat, formalised, formalistic, formalized, formative, formulaic, forthright, foul, foulness, foursquare, fowl pest, frank, free-spoken, friedreich's ataxia, frigid zone, frostbite, furunculosis, gad, gallop rhythm, ganoidei, gargoylism, generalized anxiety disorder, generalized seizure, genus catha, genus cladonia, genus gymnopilus, genus malvastrum, genus mammillaria, geometric, geometrical, george eliot, giardiasis, gibraltar fever, gilles de la tourette syndrome, glandular fever, glomerulonephritis, gloomy, glorious, gossamer, gothic, gothic architecture, graceful, gracious, graecophile, graecophilic, grand mal, granulocytopenia, granulomatous, granuloma inguinale, granuloma venereum, greco, green-blindness, greensickness, grim, grin, grinning, grotesque, growth-onset diabetes, grueling, gruelling, guillain-barre syndrome, gulf war syndrome, gymnopilus, habit-forming, haemoglobinopathy, hand-schuller-christian disease, hansen's disease, haphazard, happiness, hard, hard-hitting, hardworking, harmonic, harmonical, harmonised, harmonized, harold pinter, hateful, haze, head-on, heavy, hebephrenia, hebephrenic, hebephrenic schizophrenia, heedless, hemimetabola, hemochromatosis, hemoglobinopathy, hemorrhagic septicemia, herediatry spinal ataxia, hereditary cerebellar ataxia, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy, heretical, hermitic, hermitical, heterodox, heterosporous, hi-fi, high-fidelity, high renaissance, hindooism, hinduism, histiocytic leukaemia, histiocytic leukemia, histiocytosis, hit-or-miss, hives, homeostatic, homosporous, honorable, honorableness, honourable, honourableness, horse latitude, hostile, hot, hotheaded, hsuan chiao, humid, humorous, humourous, hurler's disease, hurler's syndrome, hyaline membrane disease, hydric, hydrocephalic, hyperactivity, hyperacusia, hyperacusis, hyperadrenalism, hyperbetalipoproteinemia, hyperchromic anaemia, hyperchromic anemia, hyperdactyly, hyperkinetic syndrome, hypobetalipoproteinemia, hypochromic anaemia, hypochromic anemia, hysteria, hysteric, hysterical, hysterical neurosis, ichorous, iconoclastic, iddm, immoral, impassioned, impertinent, impetuous, impressive aphasia, impulsive, inaccurate, inanition, incandescent, inclusion body encephalitis, inclusion body myositis, incorruption, incorruptness, indecisive, indifferent, indigestion, indulgent, industrious, inexorability, inexorableness, infantile autism, infectious mononucleosis, infectious polyneuritis, inflammation, inflammatory, inflammatory disease, inflectional, ingenuous, iniquitous, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, intensive, interdisciplinary, intermittent cramp, intermittent tetanus, internecine, in earnestp, in harmony, irascible, iron-storage disease, ironic, ironical, iron age, iron overload, irregularity, irreverent, islamism, isometric, isotonic, italic, itch, jakob-creutzfeldt disease, jarring, jest, jesting, jocose, jocosity, jocular, jocularity, joke, joking, jolting, jolty, josef albers, joyous, judicious, juvenile-onset diabetes, juvenile amaurotic idiocy, juvenile diabetes, kafkaesque, katabolic, kawasaki disease, keratoderma blennorrhagica, keratosis blennorrhagica, keratosis nigricans, keratosis pilaris, ketoacidosis-prone diabetes, ketosis-prone diabetes, kind, kinetic, king's evil, kissing disease, klinefelter's syndrome, klinefelter syndrome, labor, laborious, labor party, labour, labour party, lafora's disease, lambert-eaton syndrome, landry's paralysis, large-minded, laryngitis, lassa fever, lassitude, latent schizophrenia, lavish, legionnaires' disease, lenient, lepidodendraceae, lepromatous leprosy, leprosy, leptospirosis, lethargy, leucaemia, leukaemia, leukemia, leukoderma, lgv, liberal, lichen, lichtenoid eczema, light, lilting, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, lipochondrodystrophy, livedo, lively, locoism, locomotor ataxia, loco disease, lonea, lossless, lossy, loud, low comedy, lubricious, lucullan, lush, lustful, lyme arthritis, lyme disease, lymphocytic leukemia, lymphogranuloma venereum, lymphopathia venereum, lysinemia, macerative, macroglossia, macromolecular, madcap, magnetic attraction, magnetic force, magnetism, magnificent, maidism, majuscule, malignant, malposed, malta fever, malvastrum, mal de la rosa, mal rosso, mammalia, manic-depressive, manic-depressive psychosis, manic depression, manic depressive illness, marauding, marble bones disease, marcel, marfan's syndrome, mark rothko, mary ann evans, mathematical, maya, mayan, mayidism, mbd, mean, mediterranean fever, megaloblastic anaemia, megaloblastic anemia, megalomania, melancholia, melancholic, melancholy, melanism, melanosis, melodic, melodious, membrane-forming, membranous, meniere's disease, meningitis, mental confusion, merciful, mesic, mesomorphic, metamorphic, methodical, methodism, microcytosis, miliary fever, miliary tuberculosis, mimetic, minamata disease, mingy, minimal brain damage, minimal brain dysfunction, minute, miserable, miserly, molluscum, monasticism, mono, monoblastic leukemia, monoblstic leukaemia, monocytic leukaemia, monocytic leukemia, monolithic, mononucleosis, monosyllabic, moorish, moorish architecture, motional, mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, muller, mumification necrosis, mummification, mumps, murine typhus, murmurous, muscular, muscular dystrophy, muser, musical, mutinous, mutually ruinous, myasthenia, myasthenia gravis, myasthenic syndrome, myeloblastic leukemia, myeloid leukemia, myoclonus epilepsy, myotonia congenita, nail-biting, narcolepsy, narrative, narrow, nastiness, nasty, necrotizing enteritis, negative, negativism, negativity, negligent, neotenic, neotenous, nephroblastoma, nephrosis, nephrotic syndrome, nettle rash, neurofibromatosis, nirvana, no-frillsa, noble cane, nodular, noisiness, noisy, nonaddictive, noncommital, obsessional, obsessive, obsessive-compulsive, obsessive-compulsive personality, octosyllabic, old world leishmaniasis, omissive, oncidium, onomatopoeic, onomatopoetic, on the fencep, openness, opponent, opposing, opposite, oral personality, orchitis, order ganoidei, oriental sore, osteogenesis imperfecta, osteopetrosis, outspoken, ozaena, ozena, ozone sickness, painstaking, panic disorder, paralysis agitans, paranoia, paranoic type schizophrenia, paranoid schizophrenia, paraphrenia, paraphrenic schizophrenia, paraquat poisoning, parathion poisoning, parkinson's, parkinson's disease, parkinson's syndrome, parkinsonism, partitive, pasteurellosis, patient, pauli exclusion principle, pavor nocturnus, pecopteris, pellagra, pellicularia filamentosa, pemphigus, pent-up, pentasyllabic, pentecostalism, percipient, perfervid, periarteritis nodosa, perky, pernickety, peronospora tabacina, perpendicular, perpendicular style, resolute, persian gulf illness, persnickety, pert, pes cavus, petit mal, petit mal epilepsy, phantasmagoric, phantasmagorical, philanthropic, philhellene, philhellenic, philosophic, philosophical, phlegmy, phobia, phobic disorder, phobic neurosis, physical, pick's disease, pictographic, pinter, pitilessness, pityriasis, pityriasis alba, pkd, placuna placenta, plainspoken, pleomorphic, plush, plushy, pneumonia, pneumonic, pneumonic plague, poetic, point-blank, pointilism, polar, polar zone, poltroon, polyarteritis nodosa, polycystic kidney disease, polycythemia, polydactyly, polyphonic, polyphonous, polysyllabic, polyuria, ponderer, poor, positive, positiveness, positivism, positivity, posttraumatic stress disorder, potato fungus, potato scab bacteria, pox, pre-eclampsia, precious, precipitous, precise, precocious, predatory, preeclampsia, premeditated, primary syphilis, primitive, principle, profane, progressive vaccinia, prompt, propagandist, propagandistic, propagative, prosimian, prostatitis, protanopia, prudential, prurient, prurigo, psammoma, pseudorubella, pseudoryx nghetinhensis, psoriasis, psychedelic, psychomotor epilepsy, psychopathic personality, ptsd, pulseless disease, punishing, quakerism, quiet, racketiness, raging, raiding, ramsay hunt syndrome, rapid, ratbite fever, rat typhus, receptive aphasia, reckless, rectilineal, rectilinear, recurrent fever, red, red-blindness, red-hot, redness, reductive, red water, regularity, reiter's disease, reiter's syndrome, relapsing fever, relentlessness, remittent, repressed, resonant, resonating, resounding, respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, restiveness, retroflex, reverberating, reverberative, rheumatic fever, rheumatic heart disease, rhizoctinia solani, rhizopod, rhizopodan, rich, rickettsialpox, righteous, rinderpest, riotous, ritualistic, rock fever, roller coaster, rolling, romanesque, romanesque architecture, root rot, roseola infantilis, roseola infantum, rotary, rothko, rough-and-tumble, round dance, round dancing, rubor, rude, ruminator, rustbelt, rustling, ruthlessness, saint ignatius' itch, salacious, sand tumor, sanious, sapiential, sarcodina, sardonyx, sars, saucy, saving, scabies, scarlatina, scarlet fever, schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenic disorder, schizophrenic psychosis, schizotypal personality, schuller-christian disease, scientology, sclerosing leukoencephalitis, scrapie, scrofula, scrupulous, sea star, seborrheic keratosis, secondary syphilis, secretiveness, sedate, selachian, selective, semiabstract, sensory aphasia, serene, severe acute respiratory syndrome, sexed, sexual, shakily, shaking palsy, shiftless, shifty, shigellosis, shinto, shintoism, shipshape, shock, sibilant, sibilant consonant, sickle-cell anaemia, sickle-cell anemia, sickle-cell disease, sideroblastic anaemia, sideroblastic anemia, siderochrestic anaemia, siderochrestic anemia, silly season, silver age, sincere, sinful, single-mindedness, sizzling, skeletal muscle, skittishness, slanguage, slapstick, sleep terror disorder, slump, smallpox, smart, smile, smiling, smutty, sociopathic personality, soft, solemn, solitary, soughing, spastic, specific, speedy, spielmeyer-vogt disease, spindle horn, splendid, spoken, spondylitis, spotted fever, squalling, squally, square, sspe, staggers, staid, starfish, start, stifling, stinking smut, stomach upset, stone age, storm, stormy, straight, straight-from-the-shoulder, strangles, strenuous, streptomyces scabies, striated muscle, striated muscle tissue, structural, struma, studious, subacute inclusion body encephalitis, subacute sclerosing leukoencephalitis, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, subclass exopterygota, succulent, sulfurous, sulphurous, sultry, suppurative, surging, surreal, surrealistic, suspenseful, suspensive, susurrous, swamp fever, sweating sickness, swinging, swingy, syncretic, syncretical, syncretistic, syncretistical, synthetism, systematic, tabes dorsalis, takayasu's arteritis, taoism, tarantism, tearawaya, telegraphese, temperate zone, temporal arteritis, temporal lobe epilepsy, tertiary syphilis, testacean, tetanilla, tetany, tetartanopia, tetralogy of fallot, third-degree burn, thomsen's disease, thoughtful, thriftlessness, thrombocytopenia, thrombopenia, tietze's syndrome, tight, timesaving, tinea capitis, tireless, toilsome, tolerant, toned, tornado, torrid, torrid zone, totalitarian, tourette's syndrome, toxaemia, toxaemia of pregnancy, toxemia, toxemia of pregnancy, toxic shock, toxic shock syndrome, tracheobronchitis, tranquil, transient global amnesia, transitional, travesty, treasured, trenchant, trim, tripping, tritanopia, tropical, tropical sore, tropical zone, tropics, troubled, tss, tubercular, tuberculoid leprosy, tudor architecture, tumultuous, turbulent, tushery, twister, type i diabetes, typhus, typhus fever, ulcerative, ulcerative colitis, unargumentative, unbiased, unbiassed, uncial, undecided, understanding, undogmatic, undogmatical, undulant fever, undutifulness, undynamic, ungodly, unhappiness, unhesitating, unitary, united, unkeyed, unquiet, unreflective, unregularity, unresolved, unthinking, unthoughtful, untiring, unvariedness, upset stomach, urbane, urban typhus, urticaria, urtication, utopian, vaccinia gangrenosa, valley fever, van bogaert encephalitis, varied, variedness, variola, variola major, vascular hemophilia, vegetal, vegetative, vehement, verdant, vibrational, victorian architecture, vigorous, violent, viper, virile, vitiligo, vivacity, vocalic, von recklinghausen's disease, von willebrand's disease, wanted, warm, waste, wave-particle duality, weak, well-conducted, well-kept, wernicke's aphasia, wet lung, white lung, white rust, williams syndrome, wilms' tumor, wilms tumour, wilt, wilt disease, windowpane oyster, window oyster, woolly bear, woolly bear caterpillar, wretched, xeroderma, xeroderma pigmentosum, xerodermia, xxy-syndrome, xylariaceae, yellow-blindness, yellow dwarf, yellow spot, youth subculture, zag, zig, zigzag, zone


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