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Similar-sounding words in the dictionary:

bat, batt, batte, bhatt, cat, catt, chat, dat, fat, gat, gatt, gnat, hat, hatt, jagt, kat, katt, ma'am, mab, mac, mache, macht, mack, macke, mad, madd, madge, mag, mahn, maj, mak, mal, malle, man, mandt, mang, mann, manne, map, mapp, mapped, masch, mash, mashed, mass, mass., masse, massed, mast, match, matched, mate, math, mats, matsch, matt's, mattes, matts, matz, maute, meat, meet, met, mete, mette, might, mite, mitt, moat, moot, mote, mott, motte, mutt, nat, pat, patt, rat, ratte, sat, schadt, shatt, tat, that, vat, matt, matte

matta, mattei, matter, mattie, matty

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