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Words and phrases that rhyme with phlebotomy:   (192 results)

3 syllables:
myotomy, otomy, scotomy

4 syllables:
androtomy, aplotomy, arthrotomy, axotomy, blastotomy, bronchotomy, canthotomy, celiotomy, celotomy, chondrotomy, chordotomy, cirsotomy, colotomy, colpotomy, coniotomy, cordotomy, costotomy, craniotomy, cricotomy, culdotomy, cyclotomy, cystotomy, dichotomie, dichotomy, frenotomy, glossotomy, hippotomy, histotomy, ichthyotomy, kelotomy, labotomy, leucotomy, leukotomy, lithotomy, mammotomy, mastotomy, menotomy, necrotomy, nephrotomy, neurotomy, oncotomy, onkotomy, orchotomy, orthotomy, ototomy, peotomy, phytotomy, plasmotomy, pleurotomy, pneumotomy, proctotomy, pulpotomy, rhinotomy, sclerotomy, splanchnotomy, splenotomy, sternotomy, strabotomy, syndesmotomy, tarsotomy, tendotomy, tenotomy, thyrotomy, tractotomy, trichotomy, vagotomy, valvotomy, venotomy, ventrotomy, xylotomy, zootomy

5 syllables:
achillotomy, adenotomy, adhesiotomy, angeiotomy, anthropotomy, aortotomy, atticotomy, blepharotomy, callosotomy, capsulotomy, cardiotomy, cephalotomy, cingulotomy, condylotomy, embryotomy, enterotomy, entomotomy, episiotomy, escharotomy, fasciotomy, fistulotomy, goniotomy, hepatotomy, herniotomy, herpetotomy, hippopotami, hymenotomy, hysterotomy, ileotomy, iridotomy, jejunotomy, keratotomy, lacrimotomy, laminotomy, laparotomy, laryngotomy, lymphangiotomy, meatotomy, myringotomy, omphalotomy, onychotomy, orbitotomy, orchidotomy, ornithotomy, pallidotomy, pelviotomy, pharyngotomy, pneumonotomy, pogonotomy, polychotomy, pottawattomie, prostatotomy, pubiotomy, pylorotomy, rachiotomy, radicotomy, rumenotomy, salpingotomy, sigmoidotomy, sinusotomy, sphincterotomy, staphylotomy, stricturotomy, subdichotomy, synchondrotomy, syringotomy, thalamotomy, thoracotomy, thyroidotomy, tonsillotomy, tonsilotomy, trachelotomy, tracheotomy, urethrotomy, uterotomy, vaginotomy, valvulotomy, varicotomy, vesicotomy

6 syllables:
alveolotomy, amygdalotomy, aponeurotomy, arteriotomy, cholecystotomy, choledochotomy, cholelithotomy, commissurotomy, cricothyrotomy, cystolithotomy, duodenotomy, encephalotomy, esophagotomy, foraminotomy, myotenotomy, nephrolithotomy, ossiculotomy, ovariotomy, pancreatotomy, perineotomy, symphyseotomy, symphysiotomy, ultramicrotomy, ureterotomy, ventriculotomy, vestibulotomy

7 syllables:
achillotenotomy, cricothyroidotomy, dacryocystotomy, gastroelytrotomy, gastrohysterotomy, mediastinotomy, minilaparotomy, pericardiotomy, pyelolithotomy, pyloromyotomy

8 syllables:
choledocholithotomy, laryngotracheotomy

9 syllables:

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (59 results)

3 syllables:
albany, awfully, balsamy, cautiously, cross-country, dauntlessly, doggedly, falsity, flawlessly, frostily, gaudily, laudably, lawfully, lawlessly, myology, paucity, plausibly, raucously, saucily, solemnly, solvency, tawdrily, thoughtfully, thoughtlessly, wantonly, wrongfully

4 syllables:
emotionally, androgyny, apostasy, cosmology, dishonestly, garbology, hydropathy, ichthyology, implausibly, inaudibly, incautiously, metonymy, misology, necrology, posology, rheology, scatology, topology, unlawfully

5 syllables:
allergology, fossilology, herpetology, inexhaustibly, meritocracy, parisology, teratology, volcanology, vulcanology

6 syllables:
cardiomyopathy, homoeopathy

7 syllables:
haemoglobinopathy, hemoglobinopathy, otolaryngology

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