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Words and phrases that rhyme with thiokinase:   (968 results)

1 syllable:
-ways, a's, a.'s, a.s, baise, baize, bay's, bayes, bays, bayse, baze, blaese, blaise, blaize, blase, blayze, blaze, braes, braies, braise, braize, brase, brays, braze, caise, cayes, chaise, chayes, che's, claes, claeys, clase, clayes, clays, crase, cray's, crays, craze, dais, daise, dase, day's, days, days', daze, drays, dreys, fay's, faye's, faze, fe's, flays, fraes, fraise, frase, frays, fraze, frey's, gase, gays, gaze, glase, glaze, gray's, grays, graze, grey's, greys, hase, hayes, hays, hayse, haze, heys, j's, j.'s, jae's, jay's, jay-z, jays, k's, k.'s, kase, kay's, kayes, kays, klase, lais, laisse, lase, lay's, lays, leis, leys, mae's, maes, maise, maize, mase, may's, mayes, mays, mays', mayse, maze, nase, nays, neighs, nm ase, pais, paise, paiz, pays, payse, pei's, phase, phaze, phrase, plaise, plase, play's, plays, praise, prase, prays, preys, raise, rase, ray's, rayes, rays, raze, re's, rea's, res, reyse, rnase, sais, saiz, shays, shea's, shlaes, skase, slay-z, slays, sleighs, smase, smaze, spays, splays, sprays, stays, strays, sways, swayze, taizz, tays, trays, treys, wais, waise, way's, ways, weighs, xrays, yeas

2 syllables:
ablaze, abrase, acrase, acraze, adays, adpase, adres, affrays, agaze, airway's, airways, airways', aiways, allays, always, amaze, anglaise, appraise, araise, archaise, archaize, archways, arrays, ashtrays, assays, aways, aye-ayes, b-j's, backblaze, backstays, ballet's, ballets, bar-kays, barnaise, bearnaise, belays, beltways, bemaze, benet's, bepraise, berets, betrays, bewrays, bikeways, biphase, birthdays, blackgaze, bluejays, bobsleighs, bobstays, bob hayes, bombay's, bosquets, bouquets, breadthways, breezeways, briquets, broadway's, brockway's, buffets, busways, byways, c.a.s, caches, cafes, cashways, catch-phrase, catchphrase, cathays, causeways, cepes, chalaze, chalets, check-raise, chiclets, chymase, cimaise, circlets, clearways, cliches, coastways, conveys, conways, coquets, crochets, croquets, cross-days, crossways, curtseys, cyclase, da's, decays, deejays, defrays, deglaze, delays, delhaize, dephase, deshaies, deshayes, dextrase, diapase, diphase, dismays, displays, dispraise, disseize, dog-days, dog days, don swayze, doorways, dornase, downplays, driveways, duarte's, ebay's, edgeways, elway's, embays, emblaze, endways, entrees, envase, essays, estrays, f-atpase, f.a.s, fadaise, fairways, falaise, filets, filmways, fishways, flatways, flint maize, flonase, flyways, folkways, foodways, footways, fournaise, freeways, freightways, friday's, fridays, fuentes, fuentez, fund-raise, fundraise, gainsays, gangways, gateway's, gateways, gervaise, gourmets, greenways, grindlays, gymnase, gyrase, hairsprays, hallways, hatchways, headways, hebraise, hebraize, hedgemaze, heydays, highway's, highways, hoorays, hydrase, hyundai's, hyundais, icp-aes, imblaze, in-phase, inaez, inlays, inphase, inveighs, jaffray's, jahaz, jetways, jose's, jouret's, keyways, kinase, lachaise, lamaze, landais, leaseway's, leastways, lengthways, lescaze, liaise, lifeways, ligase, lipase, longways, m.a.s.h, madres, mainstays, malaise, malays, maltaise, mauvaise, mcveigh's, melees, middays, midway's, midways, mislays, misplays, mispraise, misraise, mizmaze, mj's, monday's, mondays, monet's, monets, morays, mores, mutase, n-ways, newsday's, nikkei's, norway's, noun phrase, noways, obeys, ofays, okays, oles, omaze, onlays, orfrays, outgaze, outlays, outplays, outraze, outstays, outweighs, padres, pancrase, parfaits, parkways, parquets, passphrase, pathways, paydays, picquets, pj's, playdays, portrays, post-chaise, post chaise, prepays, primase, pronase, prophase, punaise, purees, purveys, racemase, raceways, railway's, railways, reglaze, relays, repays, rephrase, replays, reraise, roadways, rochets, roget's, role-plays, roquets, runways, safeway's, sashays, satays, schooldays, screenplays, seaways, self-praise, seprase, set phrase, shapeways, shipways, shoegaze, sickbays, sideways, skyways, slantways, slideways, slipways, sobeys, soirees, someways, soothsays, sorbets, souffles, speedways, spillways, spondaise, spondaize, stairways, stargaze, steinway's, stingrays, straightways, strangwayes, subways, sucrase, sundae's, sundaes, sunday's, sundays, sunrays, survey's, surveys, swordplays, taipei's, tannase, theblaze, three-phase, throughways, thruways, thursday's, today's, todays, tokays, tollways, toupees, trailways, trailways', tramways, triphase, tuesday's, tuesdays, two-phase, ukase, unpraise, unsays, untaes, upgaze, upraise, v-atpase, valets, verb phrase, walkways, warfaze, washdays, waylays, wednesday's, wednesdays, weekdays, white-blaze, widthways, workdays, workways, x-rays, zea mays

3 syllables:
accuphase, accuray's, activase, acylase, afsane's, aldolase, alleyways, alteplase, amidase, amylase, anal phase, anaphase, anchorets, andrew gaze, anhydrase, antillaise, anyways, apyrase, arginase, awaydays, bannerets, bordelaise, bouviers, breakaways, bridleways, brinolase, c. i. a.'s, cabarets, cabernets, cableways, callaway's, caraways, carburets, carriageways, castaways, catalase, cellarets, cellulase, ceredase, chevrolet's, chevrolets, chippeways, chitinase, chloronase, chrysoprase, colipase, colorways, colourways, compadres, conjugase, cornerways, cutaways, cutinase, dehydrase, delosreyes, demi-glaze, desmolase, dextranase, dextrinase, dijonnaise, diplophase, dismutase, disobeys, dnase, dossiers, double-glaze, early days, ecossaise, emigres, enolase, entranceways, entryways, epaphras, esterase, expressways, f. d. a.'s, faraday's, faradays, fazerdaze, fibrinase, finlandais, floridays, flowerets, flyaways, forestays, fortovase, frustules, fumarase, galloways, gamma-rays, getaways, giveaways, gtpase, guimaraes, haplophase, hathaway's, helicase, hemingway's, hideaways, histidase, holiday's, holidays, hollandais, hollandaise, holliday's, holophrase, hostel daze, hydrolase, i. r. a.'s, i. r. a.s, idocrase, integrase, interfase, interphase, interplays, inulase, invirase, in two ways, ira's, iras, irlandais, karachays, kelly claes, kioways, kokate's, kootenays, kubernetes, lactonase, layaways, ligninase, luna blaise, lyonnais, lyonnaise, mangabeys, marseillaise, matinees, mayonaise, mayonnaise, mesophase, metaldays, metaphase, metaphrase, methylase, microblaze, micronase, milo maize, monophase, motorways, multiphase, n. r. a.'s, nosegays, nowadays, nuclease, objibways, ojibways, omakase, oral phase, orinase, otherways, overgaze, overglaze, overgraze, overlays, overpays, overplays, overpraise, overstays, overweighs, oxidase, paraphrase, passageways, pectinase, peptidase, periphrase, permease, phenolase, piaget's, pinochet's, piolets, pipeclays, polonaise, polyphase, pomfrets, popinjays, portugaise, prolidase, protease, proteges, proteinase, pyramaze, quarter-phase, reappraise, redisseize, replicase, reptilase, resumes, resurveys, reteplase, ricochets, rockaways, roundelays, runaways, saccharase, santa-fe's, schweitzerkase, set ablaze, shakespeare's plays, single-phase, sobriquets, sollerets, soubriquets, spinnerets, stowaway's, stowaways, straightaways, sublimaze, superpraise, swimmerets, takeaways, taxiways, tearaways, teleplays, telophase, thenadays, thiolase, throwaways, togidres, tolinase, touvier's, transketolase, traveldays, trehalase, underglaze, underlays, underpays, underplays, underpraise, unidays, uruguay's, walkaways, waterways, yesterday's, yesterdays

4 syllables:
abbokinase, acetylase, allantoinase, alliinase, areaways, atpase, bioassays, cabriolets, carbohydrase, carboxylase, carnosinase, carotenase, ceramidase, chlorophyllase, cholinesterase, coagulase, collagenase, communiques, companionways, compusa's, creatinase, cybercafes, cystathionase, de-iodinase, demethylase, desaturase, diaphorase, dipeptidase, dnaase, epimerase, formamidase, fructokinase, fucosidase, gelatinase, genital phase, glucoamylase, glucokinase, glucosidase, glycogenase, glycosidase, glyoxalase, green mayonnaise, hexokinase, histaminase, hydrogenase, hydroxylase, indosuez, insulinase, isoamylase, isomerase, latency phase, lecithinase, lipoxidase, luciferase, mannosidase, melodic phrase, menstrual phase, microarrays, month of sundays, muramidase, musical phrase, myokinase, myrosinase, nattokinase, nitrogenase, one of these days, oxygenase, p.u.n.k.s., pancrelipase, peroxidase, phosphoamidase, phosphokinase, phospholipase, phosphorylase, photolyase, ppiase, prometaphase, prothrombinase, pseudokinase, qatar airways, recombinase, sialidase, speculators', streptodornase, streptokinase, superhighways, tampa bay rays, telomerase, the good old days, the next three days, the runaways, thiaminase, thrombokinase, transaldolase, transpeptidase, tryptophanase, tyrosinase, urocanase, urokinase, usairways, velagrande's, walton-on-the-naze

5 syllables:
a-glucosidase, aliesterase, all nippon airways, alpha-amylase, aminopherase, asparaginase, aspartokinase, beta-amylase, beta-lactamase, biotinidase, bullinamingvase, cocarboxylase, commerciale's, creatininase, decarboxylase, dehydrogenase, dioxygenase, disaccharidase, dorian yates, endopeptidase, enterokinase, etihad airways, exonuclease, exopeptidase, galactokinase, galactosidase, glucuronidase, immunoassays, jet2holidays, kininogenase, kynureninase, l-asparaginase, l-fuculokinase, lipoxygenase, mini motorways, neuraminidase, nucleotidase, pectinesterase, penicillinase, phosphodiesterase, phosphomonoesterase, pyocyanase, russian mayonnaise, rutherford b. hayes, staphylokinase, topoisomerase, toronto blue jays, transacetylase, transglycosylase, transhydrogenase

6 syllables:
acetylesterase, alpha-glucosidase, alpha-mannosidase, amidohydrolase, aminopeptidase, anticholinesterase, arylformamidase, beta-glucosidase, carboxypeptidase, cyclo-oxygenase, cyclooxygenase, dehydrochlorinase, enteropeptidase, hexosaminidase, hyaluronidase, lactoperoxidase, lysophospholipase, metalloproteinase, monooxygenase, phosphofructokinase, phosphoglucomutase, polygalacturonase, pseudocholinesterase, ribonucleinase, rutherford birchard hayes, sphingomyelinase

7 syllables:
acetylcholinesterase, alpha-galactosidase, alpha-l-iduronidase, amyloglucosidase, beta-galactosidase, beta-glucuronidase, butyrylcholinesterase, glucocerebrosidase, immunoperoxidase, myeloperoxidase, procarboxypeptidase, serratiopeptidase

8 syllables:
galactosylceramidase, radioimmunoassays

9 syllables:

10 syllables:
2021 world athletics relays

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (17 results)

1 syllable:
rates, skates, bates, gates, plates, states, waits, fates, straits, dates, weights, mates

4 syllables:
united states

5 syllables:
william butler yeats, war between the states

9 syllables:
commonwealth of independent states

11 syllables:
organization of american states

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Adjectives for thiokinase: succinic, succinate, acetic, chain

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