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Words and phrases that rhyme with trundle:   (27 results)

2 syllables:
blundall, blundell, bundle, cundall, cundill, fundal, grundel, grundle, gundel, gundle, lundell, mundell, mundil, pundle, rundall, rundel, rundell, rundle, sundell, zundel

3 syllables:

4 syllables:
fiber bundle, fibre bundle, humble bundle, martin brundle, sophie rundle

5 syllables:
vascular bundle

Words and phrases that almost rhyme :   (32 results)

2 syllables:
umbel, bumble, jumble, gruntle, frontal, crumble, rumble, fungal, bungle, grumble, crumple, jungle, fumble, mumble, stumble, scumble, uncle, humble, rumple, tumble, buntal, jumbal

3 syllables:
granduncle, dutch uncle, peduncle, carbuncle, caruncle, furuncle, great-uncle

4 syllables:
antifungal, contrapuntal, rough-and-tumble

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Adjectives for trundle: easy, small, little, rough, low, faithful, grotesque, everlasting, long, slow, last, more...

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