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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to were:   (1203 results)

Often used in the same context:
had, remained, werent, came, weren, stayed, seemed, went, saw, wer, fell, looked, ranged, knew, appeared, werre, amounted, showed, included, stood, became, kept, consisted, pertained, belonged, totaled, got, should, outnumbered, panicked, theyre, found, resembled, felt, aren, jumped, ate, arrived, accounted, ran, among, stopped, hid, ended, thought, believed, slipped, rose, abounded, dropped, retreated, could, took, rejoiced, persisted, grew, mattered, beforehand, climbed, but, represent, drove, responded, would, sounded, did, resulted, started, exceeded, differed, fared, realized, ensued, inched, lacked, straggled, rang, occurred, tumbled, overlapped, milled, woke, tend, reacted, feasted, perked, wore, scurried, drank, died, ought, trailed, stormed, loitered, slumped, wass, began, drifted, comprise, swarmed, shook, materialized, hungry, antonine, apostles, bloodthirsty, canaanitish, cruelest, diluvian, ferocious, larvae, liest, marsupial, obscurer, ravening, tamed, tasmanian, unheroic, unremembered, abdomen, abscissa, accadian

Appears in the definition of:
., abel, abhorrer, abnormal, abnormally, absolute magnitude, absorb, abstruse, abstrusely, abul-walid mohammed ibn-ahmad ibn-mohammed ibn-roshd, abundantly, abu ali al-husain ibn abdallah ibn sina, accompanied, account, acheron, acme, across, action, actium, actual, adenoidal, adjudicate, administration, admirably, admix, adolf eichmann, advantageously, ad hoc, ad val, ad valorem, afield, african-american, african-american music, afrikaans, afrikaner, afro-american, aged, agreement, alamo, alcoholize, aleksandr pavlovich, alert, alexander i, allochthonous, all right, all together, aloft, alternately, amen-ra, amidship, amidships, amon-ra, amply, anaxagoras, anderson, andiron, anglo-american, answer, anthony, antibiotic, anticipation, antipathy, antisepticize, antonius, antony, apache, appallingly, appanage, apparition, approach, aramaic, aramaic script, ardor, arena, argonne, argonne forest, argument, armored car, armpit, arrest, articulated, as, assassin, assertion, asseveration, assign, association, assurance, assure, assuredly, asymmetrically, as it were, at a premium, at ease, at loggerheads, at random, augean stables, australia, autochthonous, averment, averroes, avicenna, awaken, a zillion, backstage, back burner, bahrain, bahrein, balkan wars, ballot, bandwagon, bar, barbarously, bar sinister, bask, basque fatherland and liberty, basque homeland and freedom, bastardy, battle of caporetto, battle of kerbala, battle of langside, battle of little bighorn, battle of saratoga, battle of soissons-reims, battle of thermopylae, battle of the aisne, battle of the chemin-des-dames, battle of the little bighorn, battle of the philippine sea, battle of trafalgar, beachhead, beaut, bed, bell-bottoms, bellbottom trousers, below the belt, ben, berber, bikers, bill, blacklist, black american, black hole of calcutta, black music, blasphemously, blaze, bleak, bleat, blind, block, bloodless revolution, bloody mary, bloomsbury group, blow, blurry, blush wine, body, bootleg, brahman, break, breast-high, brief, bull, burn, burning, burt, bus, busily, buxom, buzz, by word of mouth, cain, caller, camp, canada, capitulation, caporetto, capriciously, caravan, careful, carrier, carson, case, casimir funk, cassandra, catacomb, categorial, cattle trail, cavern, center, chalk dust, change, channel, charge, charles vii, chatter, cheat, cheek by jowl, chinook, christmas, chunky, church bell, church father, cinderella, circle, circuit, city of brotherly love, clap, claret, clark, clawback, clearly, cleverly, climatically, climb, clinch, clog, clogged, close, closely, cloud, coapt, coarsely, coastwise, cogitation, coil, collision, colloidally, combination, comfortable, commonplace, commonsensical, commonwealth of australia, communally, compactly, compromise, conduit, conferee, confirm, conquerable, conscript, constitutionalize, constructivism, contention, contingent, contractually, contradiction, control, convene, cool, coordinated, copy, correspondence, counter reformation, country of origin, court, courtroom, creaking, cream, creepy, criminally, crispin, crunch, custer's last stand, cut, cyril burt, cyril lodowic burt, czar alexander i, daintily, dawes, deactivate, dead, debrief, deceive, decoration day, decorative, dejectedly, deliciously, delphic oracle, demand, demetrius, demetrius i, demetrius poliorcetes, demonstration, deplorable, dereliction, desert, deservingness, despair, despite, detail, developed, diaspora, difference, diffusely, dilate, direct-grant school, dirty war, disappointment, disaster, discreditable, discreetly, disfigurement, disgracefully, disgruntle, displace, disproportionately, disturbance, divine, divine guidance, division, docetism, docket, dope, double, doubtful, down, dragoman, draw, drink, ducking stool, durable, dyer's weed, earnest, earshot, eat, ebionite, eden, edward v, effaceable, eichmann, elector, element, eln, empty, encase, enfranchise, english revolution, enigmatical canon, enigmatic canon, enigma canon, enshrine, enticement, entomb, equally, erasure, escape, eta, eugenio pacelli, euskadi ta askatasuna, evacuate, evasive, evasively, exclude, expect, expletive, exploded, extralegal, extravagance, eye, factor, fall, faller, famished, fast, father, fatherland, father of the church, fatigue, faultily, favorable, fearfully, feria, festoon, feudalism, feudal system, fictionalisation, fictionalization, fin, fine, finely, finger, fire, firetrap, fire and brimstone, five nations, flabbergasted, flabbily, flail, flap, flash, flashing, floodhead, flowage, fool, footing, foreseeable, formed, former, forthcoming, fortuitous, foully, fractious, framed, franco-american, french indochina, friedrich august wolf, friend, from pillar to post, front, frustration, funk, funnily enough, furiously, furtively, gag, gaily, galilean, galilean satellite, garden of eden, garrotte, gasconade, gatherer, gay, gene, generation, george iii, german american, ghetto, ghettoize, gideon algernon mantell, gilding metal, giraudoux, girondist, glazed, glisten, glittering, glorious revolution, glow, glue, gnarl, going-out-of-business sale, gospel, grace, grain, greeter, grunt, guinea gold, haggard, hale, hall, hand, handful, hanging, harasser, harding, hard put, harmonious, headband, headquarters, healthily, hedge, hell-for-leather, hellman, helping, helter-skelter, hence, henry miller, henry valentine miller, heraldic, hero, higgledy-piggledy, hippolyte jean giraudoux, hip bath, hit, homeland, homestretch, home away from home, home from home, honeycomb, honk, hood, hoop snake, hopelessly, horseless carriage, hotly, house, housing estate, howl, hunkpapa, hurt, husband-wife privilege, hypocritically, ibn-roshd, ibn-sina, identifiably, identified, ijtihad, illegitimacy, immaculate, immigrant, immorally, immutable, impale, impeach, imprison, inadequately, incidentally, inconsiderable, inconvertible, indefinite, indication, indiscrete, individualize, individually, indo-european, indo-european language, indo-hittite, induct, inductee, inequitably, inextricably, inflammation, inflate, infuriated, inhumanely, injudiciously, injunction, instantiation, intern, internee, in evidence, in hand, in line, in reality, in the meantime, iroquois, iroquois league, isochronal, ivory tower, jacket, jean giraudoux, jerk, juice, karl adolf eichmann, kazak, kazakh, kazakhstan, kazakstan, kechua, kennesaw mountain, kenneth bancroft clark, kenneth clark, key, kid, kiss, kiss of death, knee-deep, knight, label, laboriously, lake poets, langside, lap, laputa, lashing, last laugh, latter, lead, league of iroquois, leak, leaker, leeward, left-handed, leisured, lethe, liable, lillian hellman, line, lineament, lined, linin, literally, literary pirate, little bighorn, lock, lockstep, loot, lord's resistance army, lordly, lost tribes, los alamos, lot, lot's wife, louis xvi, lower-case letter, lowercase, lower case, lucknow, macroscopically, magi, maim, mantell, marcus antonius, marcus whitman, marie henri beyle, marital communications privilege, marker, marketplace, mark anthony, mark antony, maroon, mary i, mary tudor, masora, masorah, mass, massively, matter, mccarthyism, mean, measure, measurement, melt, memorial day, mendel's law, menstruation, mesabi range, metalwork, meuse, meuse-argonne, meuse-argonne operation, meuse river, mews, mexican war, midships, militia, miller, mindlessly, minority, minuscule, misalign, mismanage, mission, mistily, moluccas, monaurally, mormon, motherland, mother country, motion, mover, mudhif, multiply, nag hammadi, nag hammadi library, nakedly, name, nasal, nathan hale, nationalize, national liberation army, native land, nazarene, nb, neck, neck and neck, neither, nemea, nereid, new, new deal, nicholas ii, ninja, ninth, nod, nonmusical, nonracial, notch, note, nova scotia, novel, nurture, obedience, occult, occupied, offending, offstage, old world, onshore, on air, on the spot, on time, open, operation, oracle of apollo, oracle of delphi, order, ordering, organization, or so, osco-umbrian, other than, out-of-pocket, out of focus, out of work, overcook, overhead, overrule, overture, pacific, paleo-american, paleo-amerind, paleo-indian, panhellenic, panic, paragraph, paralipomenon, parametric statistic, parked, party, paternity, pathetic, paul revere, peal, peking man, peloponnesian war, pelter, penalize, pencil, pent-up, persecute, perturb, philadelphia, philippine sea, philosophical, pickings, pillars of hercules, pillory, pinched, pink wine, pinpoint, piracy, pirate, pitch, pitifully, pius xii, place, placebo effect, plagiarisation, plagiariser, plagiarism, plagiarist, plagiarization, plagiarizer, plan, plank, plaster, play, plentiful, plot, pocket, point, poor, pop, port, position, posthumously, pour, prank, president harding, pretty much, print, process, procession, procure, prohibition, protection, publius terentius afer, puddle, pullback, puritanism, quarter, quechua, questionably, rachel carson, rachel louise carson, rack, rail, rain-in-the-face, raising, ram disk, randomly, ready, reality, reallot, rear, rearing, reassure, reciprocally, recognition, recombination, reconstruction, reconstruction period, rededicate, redispose, redolent, reductive, refer, reform, regulation, reign of terror, reject, rejection, relax, reluctant, remit, remunerate, rename, rent, repeat, report, representation, reprobate, republic of kazakhstan, republic of south africa, respectively, resultant, reverberation, revere, revolutionary calendar, riddle canon, rimed, riot, river acheron, river lethe, rockers, roll, rolled, romantically, roman empire, room, rose, rose wine, rough, royally, run, rush, sacrifice, sad, saddle block anaesthesia, saddle block anesthesia, safe and sound, saint crispin, salvage, sanctionative, saratoga, satisfaction, scalp, scarce, score, scrupulous, seat, secretly, see double, selfish, senselessly, separably, sequester, series, set, severally, shabbily, shah jahan, shakeup, shanghai, sherwood anderson, shipwreck, shock, shockingly, shoe, shooting, showstopper, shrine, shut, sighting, sign, silence, silenus, singly, sitz bath, six nations, slack, slapdash, slash, slave market, sleeper nest, sleepily, sleep over, slurred, small letter, smash, smoldering, soaking, soil, soissons, solidago rugosa, solution, sometimes, somewhat, sopping, soullessly, south africa, so to speak, spar, sparse, spat, speech, sphinx, spice islands, spring, st. crispin, standardize, state of bahrain, stendhal, stenograph, stocks, store, storehouse, strafe, strain, straw, stretch, style, subdued, subject, sublime, submission, subnormal, subpoena, subservience, sun, survivor, suspect, sustenance, swan, sweat, swelter, swing, symmetrically, sympathy, tangier, tape, taut, teacher, tear, teargas, teddy boys, tee, temple of apollo, tempt, tenanted, terence, term, territorialize, teuton, text, theme, thence, thermopylae, thermoset, thermosetting, thirsty, thirty years' war, threat, thrill, thud, tick, tilted, tincture, titan, titaness, together, top, torrent, toy, trafalgar, translocate, transversely, travel time, trench, trial, trite, trounce, tuition, tumbrel, tumbril, turned out, ultrasonically, unamusing, unattended, unchangeably, uncongenial, uncorrupted, understood, undeveloped, uneasy, unevenly, unfixed, unflurried, unglazed, unhappily, unheeded, uniform, unimaginatively, unlawfully, unlined, unmolested, unnecessarily, unnoticeable, unobtrusively, unorganized, unproductive, unrealistically, unreliable, unrestored, unselfconsciously, unsympathetic, unsystematically, upper-case letter, uppercase, uproot, upstage, upward, use, vagabond, valuable, vedic, venus, victimizer, vietnam, vietnam war, view, vital sign, von neumann machine, vote, wage, wall, wallow, wantonly, war, warped, warren gamaliel harding, warren harding, wary, water, weather, wed, wedding anniversary, well-meaning, welter, wheeled vehicle, whereat, white, whitman, whoop, whopping, william dawes, william iii, william of orange, windward, wire, wise men, wish, witty, wolf, wrong, yet, yodel, zillion, zurvanism

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— Nouns for were: wolf wolves, giants, form, times, forts, days, foes, lots, dead, tiger, more...

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