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Words and phrases that have a meaning related to long:   (2388 results)


Often used in the same context:
short, lengthy, prolonged, longterm, lasting, term, longish, lengthen, shorten, stretches, many, well, forever, awhile, protracted, interminably, continuous, foreshorten, duration, enduring, much, tortuous, yearlong, just, far, few, extended, longstanding, often, painful, standing, agonizing, over, lifelong, good, still, spans, ending, brief, hard, length, simply, uninterrupted, always, narrow, time, distance, torturous, radio announcer, arduous, haul, gustiest, fitful, monthlong, exhausting, but, not, several, frustrating, deep, overdue, rest, past, persistent, for, wait, only, sometimes, lingered, never, winded, tiring, entire, probably, sorriest, broad, too, bad, anyway, continue, anymore, wide, might, unbroken, historically, generally, whole, checkered, endless, until, tumultuous, enduing, eons, beginning, grueling, inordinately, tenaciously, indefinitely, strong, couple, really, lifetime, pre, carry, con, none, serve, \u00ab, ex, put, while, anything, near, 1s, downstream, go, makes, non, nothing, ones, re, longest, longer, lengthened, interminable, overlong, uneventful, shortest, shortened, shorter, eventful, tedious, wearisome, fhort, gruelling, loug

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Appears in the definition of:
., abelmoschus esculentus, abies bracteata, abies grandis, abies venusta, acerate, acerose, achillea ptarmica, acicular, acinonyx jubatus, acrocentric chromosome, actias luna, actinidia arguta, actinomycosis, adam's needle, adam's needle-and-thread, aeon, aeonian, afghan, afghan hound, age, age-old, ago, agouti, agrostis palustris, ai, aigret, aigrette, aircraft carrier, aisle, albacore, albatross, albizia julibrissin, albizia lebbeck, albizzia julibrissin, albizzia lebbeck, alcoholic dementia, alcohol amnestic disorder, algarroba, algarroba bean, alliaria, alpaca, amaranthus cruentus, amaranthus hybridus erythrostachys, amaranthus hybridus hypochondriacus, american football, american football game, american woodcock, amia calva, ammobium alatum, anamorphism, anamorphosis, anapaestic, anapestic, anas acuta, ancient, anciently, ancients, angora, angora cat, angora goat, angora rabbit, anhinga, anteater, antelope, anterograde amnesia, antique, antonine wall, ant bear, anuran, ao dai, apodiform bird, apolemia, appleton layer, apterygiformes, apteryx, aquilegia canadensis, aquilegia coerulia, aquilegia scopulorum calcarea, arabis canadensis, aramus, archaeopteryx, archaeopteryx lithographica, archaeornis, archeopteryx, architeuthis, arctictis bintourong, argentinidae, arquebus, arteria nutricia, asio otus, asparagus bean, asphodeline, assassin bug, ateles geoffroyi, attack aircraft carrier, at length, at long last, auger, aulostomus maculatus, aureate, aurochs, australian stilt, avahi laniger, avocet, awnless bromegrass, axon, axone, ayapana, ayapana triplinervis, aye-aye, babylonian weeping willow, backscratcher, badger dog, badminton, badminton racket, badminton racquet, balloon flower, balsamroot, banded anteater, banjo, bank, banner, barge pole, barracuda, barrier island, barrier reef, bassariscus astutus, bassarisk, basset, basset hound, baster, bat, batrachian, battledore, beach waggon, beach wagon, beam, bear, bearcat, before long, belau, bellarmine, bellows fish, belmont, belmont park, belmont stakes, bench, benedick, benedict, bengal bean, benghal bean, bernese mountain dog, besom, big-cone douglas fir, big-cone spruce, bill, billfish, billhook, billiards, bimestrial, binturong, bitterwood, bitter cassava, black pine, black salsify, blade, blanket flower, blast, blister, blowball, bluepoint, blue columbine, blue moon, blue point, boa, boarfish, bob, bobsled, bobsleigh, bocce, bocci, boccie, bodkin, body suit, boletellus russellii, bolo, bolo knife, bomber, boned, book, bootlace, borage, borago officinalis, bos grunniens, bos primigenius, bottomless, bower actinidia, bowfin, bradypus tridactylus, branched, brand, brasier, brassia, brazier, brenner pass, briard, bridgeport, bristlecone fir, bristlegrass, bristletail, bristle grass, bromus inermis, brood, broom, brush, buckthorn, bugbane, bullrush, bulrush, bummer, bunk, burned-out, burnoose, burnous, burnouse, burnt-out, burro deer, bushbaby, bush baby, butternut squash, byrnie, by a long shot, cabbage tree, cacomistle, cacomixle, calais, calean, caley pea, callisaurus draconoides, callus, camelopard, campanula americana, canadian red pine, canal, canal boat, canavalia ensiformis, canavalia gladiata, canid, canine, canonize, canto, cape tulip, capillary, capital expenditure, capote, caprimulgiform bird, capsicum annuum longum, caracara, cardigan, cardigan welsh corgi, carlina acaulis, carob, carob bean, caroline islands, carrier, carrot, car transporter, cascade everlasting, cassia, cassia marginata, cassia roxburghii, cat's-tail, catalpa, catananche, catatonia, catatonic schizophrenia, catatonic type schizophrenia, catling, cattail family, cat suit, caudate, cavalla, cayenne, cayenne pepper, ceaseless, cephalopterus ornatus, cerambycidae, ceratostomataceae, cercopithecus aethiops, cercospora, cero, chaenactis, chaise, chaise longue, changeless, channel, chap, chard, chasuble, cheetah, chetah, chicha, child, chili pepper, chilli pepper, chilopsis linearis, chimaera, chimaphila, chincherinchee, chinese mushroom, chinese parasol, chinese parasol tree, chinese privet, chinese rhubarb, chinese wall, chlorhexidine, chloris truncata, choeronycteris mexicana, christmas green, christ plant, christ thorn, chronic, chronically, church bench, ciconiiformes, cine-film, cingulate gyrus, circuitous, civet cat, clangula hyemalis, clapboard, clean, cleft, cleome hassleriana, climate, climbing salamander, clime, close, clydesdale terrier, cockspur hawthorn, cockspur thorn, coeloglossum bracteatum, coeloglossum viride, collared lizard, collie, colobus, colobus monkey, colugo, come, commitment, common ax, common axe, common devil's claw, common osier, common unicorn plant, coneflower, coney, confirmed, connect, connecticut, connecticut river, constant, constituted, contemplation, continuing trespass, convenience store, convolvulus scammonia, cony, coon cat, cordyline australis, coreopsis, corgi, cormorant, cornetfish, corona, coronilla, cortinarius gentilis, corvus corax, corydalus cornutus, coryphaena hippurus, cos, cos lettuce, cotswold, cottage tulip, cotton, cotton plant, cotton rat, coucal, covet, cowage, crack, crane, crane fly, cranny, crataegus crus-galli, cravat, creeping bent, creeping bentgrass, creeping buttercup, creeping crowfoot, creeping windmill grass, crevice, crime, crocodile, crook, crossa, crossbar, crosse, cross country, crown of thorns, crow blackbird, cuban sandwich, cuckoo, cultivated carrot, cultivated parsnip, culverin, cumin, cuminum cyminum, curassow, custom, cut, cutlassfish, cuttle, cuttlefish, cyclic disorder, cyclopes didactylus, cyclops, cyclothymia, cyclothymic disorder, cydippea, cydippida, cydippidea, cymbid, cymbidium, cynancum, dachshund, dachsie, dacrydium colensoi, daddy longlegs, daikon, damask violet, dame's violet, damson plum, damson plum tree, dandelion, dandie dinmont, dandie dinmont terrier, darning needle, darter, dasyprocta aguti, date, daubentonia madagascariensis, daucus carota sativa, day, daybed, daylily, dayton ax, dayton axe, day lily, decapod, decrepitude, deep, deep-freeze, deepfreeze, deep freezer, defeasible, deinocheirus, delay, deoxyribonucleic acid, depression, desert iguana, desert willow, desoxyribonucleic acid, devil's claw, devilfish, dhoti, diaphysis, diastasis, dicranaceae, difficult, dilapidation, diplodocus, dipole, dipole antenna, dipper, dipsosaurus dorsalis, dirk, disproportionately, ditch, ditch spade, divan, dna, dobson, dobsonfly, dobson fly, dock, dogfish, dog fennel, dolichocephalic, dolichocranial, dolichocranic, domesticate, domestic partner, don, downhill, drag on, drag out, drawn-out, dreadlock, dreissena polymorpha, drinking bout, driver, driving iron, drowsy, drudge, duckbill, durable, durance, dust cover, dust sheet, dwarf gray willow, dyschezia, dysdercus, eastern chimpanzee, east turkestan islamic movement, east turkistan islamic movement, echidna, economic crisis, ectomorphic, eelgrass, eellike, effective, egret, egyptian cotton, eightpenny, eightpenny nail, eira barbara, elephant-tusk, elmont, elongate, elongated, elongate leaf, elymus caput-medusae, embankment, embothrium, embroidery needle, encephalartos, endless, endoscope, endosteum, endothelial myeloma, endurance contest, endurance riding, endure, english plantain, english runner bean, english toy spaniel, english yew, eon, eonian, epic, epic poem, epiphysis, epistle, epos, erianthus, erianthus ravennae, erythrocebus patas, escarpment, esker, esplanade, established, estate, estoc, eternal, eupatorium aya-pana, eupatorium capillifolium, euphorbia milii, eurasian woodcock, eventually, everlasting, evolve, ewing's sarcoma, ewing's tumor, ewing's tumour, extended, eyra, fail, falcon, falconiformes, false alumroot, family argentinidae, family cerambycidae, family ceratostomataceae, family dicranaceae, family lepidobotryaceae, family recurvirostridae, family stenopelmatidae, family terebellidae, family tettigoniidae, family typhaceae, farewell, fatigue, fat embolism, feather boa, feeding chair, feed bunk, felis serval, felis yagouaroundi, ferment, fibrous astrocyte, field speedwell, filefish, filibuster, filibusterer, finally, finger, fiord, fire-wheel, fireman's ax, fireman's axe, fire wheel, firmiana simplex, firth, fish finger, fish stick, fissure, fjord, flame-flower, flameflower, flame flower, flattop, florida bean, flory, flow, flower people, fluent, flying cat, flying lemur, flying reptile, flyswat, flyswatter, fly rod, food turner, foot rule, force, forest goat, forever, forever and a day, for good, foucault pendulum, fountain grass, four-in-hand, fourpenny, fourpenny nail, fox-trot, foxtail barley, foxtrot, frankfurter bun, free-tailed bat, freelance, freetail, freetailed bat, freezer, freight liner, french bread, freshwater cordgrass, frieze, frigate bird, fringe-toed lizard, fringe cups, frog, frog orchid, from way back, frost fish, frozen, fruit, full skirt, fund, furrow, furrowed, f layer, f region, gaillardia, gaillardia pulchella, galago, gallery, gangling, gangly, gannet, gantlet, gar, garden rhubarb, garfish, garget, gari, garibaldi, garpike, gauntlet, gavial, gavialis gangeticus, gawky, gaze, geebung, geminate, genet, genetta genetta, genlisea, gentleman's-cane, genus ailanthus, genus alliaria, genus apatosaurus, genus aramus, genus asphodeline, genus brassia, genus brontosaurus, genus catalpa, genus cercospora, genus chimaphila, genus cryptocoryne, genus dysdercus, genus embothrium, genus erianthus, genus grammatophyllum, genus habenaria, genus hemerocallis, genus indigofera, genus oedogonium, genus paramecium, genus tellima, georgian, georgia pine, gerbil, gerbille, get off the ground, giant anteater, giant armadillo, giant fir, giant squid, giant stock bean, gibbon, gig, giraffa camelopardalis, giraffe, glareole, glass lizard, glass snake, gleditsia triacanthos, glorious, glottochronology, glycyrrhiza glabra, gnu, godwit, gold, golden, golden-beard penstemon, golden mean, golden retriever, golden section, goldmark, golgi's cell, golgi cell, gondola, goose, gossypium barbadense, gossypium peruvianum, gown, grackle, graminaceous plant, gramineous plant, grammatophyllum, grand canal, grand fir, grass skirt, grass tree, grass wrack, gray-leaf pine, graybeard, great anteater, great wall, great wall of china, green lizard, grenadier, gridiron-tailed lizard, griffon, grinder, grindle, griselinia lucida, grissino, grivet, groove, grotesque, ground pine, gruiformes, guenon, guenon monkey, gull, gumbo, gyrus cinguli, habenaria, habenaria hookeri, habitual, hackbut, hackle, haemanthus coccineus, hagbut, hairlike, hairtail, halfbeak, hare, hare and hounds, harquebus, harvestfish, harvestman, hatpin, hauberk, hawk, hawk's-beard, hawk's-beards, hawkmoth, hawk moth, hayfork, heartsease, helichrysum secundiflorum, heliophila, helleri, hemerocallis, hemp willow, henry wadsworth longfellow, herd's grass, here and there, hero, heroic poem, heron, hero sandwich, hesperis matronalis, heuchera cylindrica, hibiscus esculentus, highchair, hike, himantopus stilt, hippies, hipsters, hoagie, hoagy, hoary plantain, hobble skirt, hod, hoe, hogfish, hognose bat, hollywood, holocephalan, home, honeysuckle, honey bear, honey locust, hooded cloak, hooded coat, hookah, hooker's orchid, hordeum jubatum, horned violet, horsemint, horse cassia, hotdog bun, hours, housatonic, housatonic river, house centipede, howl, howling, hub-and-spoke, hub-and-spoke system, hubble-bubble, hubbly-bubbly, humber bridge, hummingbird, hummingbird moth, humpback, humpback whale, hussar monkey, hydra, hylobates lar, hyperalimentation, hypogonadism, hypothrombinemia, ibis, iced-tea spoon, idea, iguanid, iguanid lizard, iguanodon, immemorialip, immune, impermanence, impermanency, impossibly, incessant, indecisive, independent, indestructible, indian bean, indian blanket, indignantly, indigofera, industrial disease, inhalator, institution, interminable, international morse code, inveteratea, inveterately, involution, in perpetuity, in the long run, ipomoea leptophylla, irish water spaniel, irksome, italian bread, italian sandwich, jacamar, jackknife clam, jack bean, jafnea semitosta, jaguarondi, jaguarundi, jaguarundi cat, jalapeno, japanese black pine, japanese radish, japanese varnish tree, jeffrey's pine, jeffrey pine, jeremiad, job, johnny-jump-up, jointer, jointer plane, jointing plane, joint hinge, joint snake, julienne, jumping mouse, jupati, jupati palm, jupaty, kalian, kameez, kangaroo, kanzu, katydid, keep, kennedy, kennedy international airport, kennedy interrnational, kingfisher, king mackerel, king of the herring, kinkajou, kirtle, kite, kiwi, klinefelter's syndrome, klinefelter syndrome, knife, knife-handle, kniphofia, korsakoff's psychosis, korsakoff's syndrome, korsakov's psychosis, korsakov's syndrome, kudzu, kudzu vine, kuvasz, l-p, lacerta viridis, lacrosse, lactuca sativa longifolia, ladle, lady's-finger, lama pacos, lance, lancetfish, lancet fish, land, landing net, langur, lank, lanky, lantern jaw, lapse, lariat, larid, lasso, last, lasting, lathyrus hirsutus, launch, law of averages, lazy daisy stitch, lead, lead tree, leaf beet, leaf spring, leggy, lemur, length, lengthen, lengthy, leoncita, leontocebus rosalia, leopard's-bane, leopardbane, leotard, lepidobotryaceae, lepiota procera, lepisosteus osseus, leptorhine, leptorrhine, leptorrhinian, leptorrhinic, leucadendron argenteum, leucaena glauca, leucaena leucocephala, leucothoe racemosa, lewisia cotyledon, lexicostatistics, lhasa, lhasa apso, licorice, lie-in, life, lifeline, life line, life sentence, life tenant, light, lighting, lightsomely, ligustrum lucidum, likely, liman, limber pine, lincoln, line, linear, linear leaf, liner train, line of life, lingeringa, linguine, linguini, linstock, lion marmoset, lion monkey, liquorice, lisle, listera ovata, litany, living, lizard, loch, locust bean, locust pod, long-acting, long-ago, long-beard, long-distance, long-distance runner, long-eared bat, long-eared owl, long-familiar, long-fin tunny, long-haired, long-handled, long-handled spade, long-horned beetle, long-horned grasshopper, long-lasting, long-legged, long-legs, long-life, long-lived, long-range, long-run, long-shanked, long-spurred violet, long-staple, long-suffering, long-tailed porcupine, long-term, long-wearing, long-winded, long-wool, long-wooled, longbeard, longbow, longer, longest, longevity, longfellow, longhorn, longicorn, longicorn beetle, longish, longleaf pine, longlegs, longstanding, longtimea, longways, longways dance, longwool, longyi, long ago, long bone, long fly, long haul, long iron, long island sound, long johns, long pepper, long plane, long run, long since, long tom, lopper, lorgnette, lough, louis the great, louis xiv, love-in-idleness, lowland fir, lowland white fir, lp, lucretius, lugubriously, luminal, luna moth, lungi, lungyi, lyrebird, lysiloma bahamensis, lysiloma latisiliqua, lythrum salicaria, macaw, macron, magnetic tape, magpie, mag tape, mahlstick, mallet, maltese, maltese dog, mammoth, man-of-the-earth, man-of-war bird, mandioc, mandioca, mane, mangabey, manihot esculenta, manihot utilissima, manioc, mantid, mantis, marathon, marathoner, marathon runner, march, mare's tail, marlin, marriage, martin, mastering, master plan, maul, maulstick, mdma, mean, mebaral, mecoptera, medulla spinalis, medusa's head, meekness, meeting house, megaptera novaeangliae, megillah, meibomian gland, melursus ursinus, mentha longifolia, mephobarbital, metaphysis, meterstick, metrestick, microgramma-piloselloides, midiron, mimus polyglotktos, mindlessly, miner's cat, mocker, mockingbird, modernization, mollymawk, monkey, monodon monoceros, monologue, mononychus olecranus, monterey pine, month of sundays, morning coat, morse, morse code, mosquito, mothball, motion-picture film, movie film, mucuna aterrima, mucuna deeringiana, mucuna pruriens utilis, mule's ears, mule deer, muscivora-forficata, musculus adductor longus, musket, myotonia, myrmecobius fasciatus, myrmecophaga jubata, nag, nailrod, nanomia, narghile, nargileh, narrow-leaf penstemon, narrow-leaved plantain, narrowboat, narrow boat, narrow goldenrod, narwal, narwhal, narwhale, nasalis larvatus, nash equilibrium, nasturtium, neb, neck, necktie, needle-shaped, needlefish, needlenose pliers, needle palm, nerve entrapment, never-ending, new, newmarket, new london, new world monkey, ninepenny, norway spruce, note, not by a long sight, no end, nuclear deterrence, nuclear winter, numbat, number one wood, nutrient artery, oarfish, occupational disease, oceanic abyss, octopus, odocoileus hemionus, odyssey, oedogonium, oilcan, okra, okra plant, old, old-timer, olden, oldtimer, oldwife, old hand, old stager, old world yew, one iron, ononis repens, open, operating capital, opossum, orang, orangutan, orangutang, oratory, order apterygiformes, order ciconiiformes, order cydippea, order cydippida, order cydippidea, order falconiformes, order gruiformes, order mecoptera, order pediculati, orinoco, orinoco river, orleans, ornithogalum thyrsoides, ornithomimid, orthopristis chrysopterus, oryx, osteochondroma, os longum, otterhound, otter hound, ounce, outer hebrides, outstay, overcast, overcasting, overcook, overdone, overexposure, overstay, overwork, overworking, oyster plant, ozothamnus secundiflorus, paddlefish, painted tongue, palau, palau islands, panama canal, panatela, panetela, panetella, pangolin, panthera uncia, pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, paper chase, paper tape, paprilus alepidotus, paradise tree, parakeet, paraquet, parasol mushroom, parietaria difussa, paring, parole, paroquet, parrakeet, parroket, parroquet, parry's penstemon, partisan, partizan, pasang, pass, passing, passing play, past master, patas, paul john flory, pax romana, payroll, pea, pea plant, pediculati, peke, pekinese, pekingese, pelew, pelican, pellitory, pellitory-of-the-wall, pen-tail, pen-tailed tree shrew, pencil, pennant, pennisetum ruppelii, pennisetum setaceum, pennon, penstemon barbatus, penstemon centranthifolius, penstemon linarioides, penstemon palmeri, penstemon parryi, pentail, perdurable, perennial, permanently, perpetual, perpetual calendar, persian cat, peruvian cotton, peter carl goldmark, peter goldmark, petrel, pew, phalacrocorax carbo, phalanger, phalangium opilio, phasmid, phasmid insect, pheasant, phenobarbital, phenobarbitone, philohela minor, phleum pratense, phoenix tree, phytolacca americana, picea abies, picture, pieplant, pie plant, pigeon berry, pigfish, pike, pin-tailed duck, pink of my john, pinner, pintail, pinus flexilis, pinus jeffreyi, pinus palustris, pinus radiata, pinus resinosa, pinus thunbergii, pinus torreyana, pipage, pipe, pipefish, piping, pitchfork, pitch pine, pittsburgh, plantago lanceolata, plantago virginica, platyctenean, platymiscium trinitatis, platyrrhine, play, plesiosaur, plesiosaurus, plodder, pluckily, plumber's snake, pocket mouse, podocarpus coriaceus, podocarpus latifolius, poke, poker alumroot, poker heuchera, pole, poleax, poleaxe, pole jump, pole jumper, pole jumping, pole vault, pole vaulter, pole vaulting, polo, polyneuritic psychosis, polyodon spathula, polysyllabic, polyunsaturated, polyunsaturated fat, pomeranian, pond-skater, pongo pygmaeus, poor boy, possum, posttraumatic amnesia, potos caudivolvulus, potos flavus, potto, prairie cordgrass, pratincole, praya, precede, precook, prickleback, prince's-feather, prince's-plume, priodontes giganteus, proboscidean, proboscidea louisianica, proboscidian, proboscis, proboscis flower, proboscis monkey, procellariiform seabird, prolonged, protanopia, protracted, pruner, pruning hook, prunus domestica insititia, pseudobombax ellipticum, pseudoryx nghetinhensis, pseudotsuga macrocarpa, psittacosaur, psittacosaurus, psychic trauma, pterosaur, publish, pueraria lobata, puka, pull, punctiliously, punt, purple amaranth, purple heart, purple loosestrife, put out, pycnogonid, pyralid, pyralid moth, quarterstaff, quercus phellos, rabbit, raccoon fox, race, racing skate, raffia farinifera, raffia palm, raffia ruffia, raffia taedigera, raggedly, rail, rake, ram's horn, rambler, rangy, ranid, ranunculus repens, raphanus sativus longipinnatus, rare, rastafari, rastas, rat, rattail, rattail fish, raven, ravenna grass, razorback, razorbacked hog, razorback hog, razor clam, reappearance, reata, rebozo, recency, recent, recentness, rectangular, recurvirostridae, red-blindness, redshank, reduce, reduviid, red amaranth, red pepper, red pine, red sea, reedmace, reed mace, refectory table, regalecus glesne, regard, reign, rein, reintroduce, relinquish, remain, repression, respirator, rest-harrow, restharrow, restoril, reverberate, rheum cultorum, rheum palmatum, rheum rhabarbarum, rheum rhaponticum, rhubarb, rhubarb plant, riata, ribbon, ribbonfish, ribbonlike, ribbony, ribgrass, ribonucleic acid, ribwort, richea pandanifolia, ridge, rifle, rigamarole, rigger, rigger brush, rigmarole, ring-tailed cat, ringtail, ripping chisel, ripple-grass, river dolphin, rna, road runner, roar, robe, roble, rock kangaroo, rock wallaby, rod, roll, roller, rolling wave, romaine, romaine lettuce, roman fleuve, roots, ropewalk, rope yard, rotary wing, rotor blade, rough pea, routemarch, row, run, runner, runner bean, saber-toothed tiger, sabertooth, sabine pine, sacrifice fly, saddle feather, saddle hackle, sage willow, sagittarius serpentarius, sailfish, saimiri sciureus, saki, salientian, salix babylonica, salix tristis, salix viminalis, salpiglossis sinuata, salsify, samisen, sandgrouse, sand grouse, santa ana, santa lucia fir, sarape, sarcophilus hariisi, satyr orchid, sauropod, sauropodomorpha, sauropod dinosaur, saury, sawfish, sawpit, scalp lock, scaly anteater, scammony, scaphocephaly, scapular, scapulary, scarlet bugler, scarlet runner, scarlet runner bean, scarp, scented penstemon, scholar, scholarly person, scissortail, scissortailed flycatcher, scissure, scoke, scolopax rusticola, scomberesox saurus, scomberomorus cavalla, scorpion, scorpion fly, scorpion shell, scorzonera, scorzonera hispanica, scotch terrier, scottie, scottish terrier, scrawny, screed, screen saver, scull, sculler, scutigera coleoptrata, scythe, seagull, sea bass, sea gull, sea island cotton, sea spider, sea wrack, second nature, secretary bird, seif dune, self-employed person, seminiferous tubule, semipermanent, seniority, sensitize, sensory hair, serape, sertularian, serval, serviceable, sesquipedalia, sesquipedalian, sesquipedality, set, setaria italica rubrofructa, seth, setline, settee, setter, settle, shaft, shag, shagginess, shaggy dog story, shag rug, shamisen, shank, sharp, sharpie, shaving-brush tree, shearwater, sheepdog, sheep dog, sheesha, shepherd's crook, shepherd dog, shetland pony, shisha, shovelboard, shrew, shrewmouse, shrew mole, shrimp, shuffleboard, siberia, siberian millet, sicklepod, sickle feather, siege of orleans, sigmodon hispidus, significant other, silky anteater, silky tamarin, silk tree, silurid, silurid fish, silver tree, simarouba glauca, since a long time ago, singletary pea, siris, siris tree, siskiyou lewisia, sitar, sixpenny nail, skate, skewer, skye terrier, slashed, sledge, sledgehammer, slit, slivery, slogger, sloth bear, slough grass, slow, slow virus, slump, smooth, snake, snakebird, snakefly, snake polypody, sneezeweed yarrow, sneezewort, snipefish, snout, snowy, snow job, snow leopard, sodium thiopental, soledad pine, solidago spathulata, soliloquy, soliton, soliton wave, sorrel, sought, sour grass, soutane, south-african yellowwood, southern yellow pine, spaghetti, spaniel, spartina pectinmata, spear, spearfish, speed skate, sphingid, sphinx moth, spider crab, spider flower, spider monkey, spider plant, spike, spiked, spiked loosestrife, spiller, spinach beet, spinal cord, spindle-legged, spindle-shanked, spindlelegs, spindleshanks, spindle horn, spindly, spiny anteater, splintery, split, spoonbill, spoonleaf yucca, spousal equivalent, spouse equivalent, squash, squash racket, squash rackets, squash racquet, squash racquets, squid, squirrel, squirreltail barley, squirreltail grass, squirrel monkey, stage, stager, stalker, star grass, station waggon, station wagon, steel, stelis, stem, stemless carline thistle, stenopelmatidae, stew, stick insect, stilt, stiltbird, stilt plover, stizolobium deeringiana, stock, straight, straplike, strap fern, strap hinge, straw mushroom, streamer, stream of consciousness, stretch, stride, strider, stringer, string cheese, strip, strip lighting, stroke, strong suit, stropharia ambigua, stropharia hornemannii, stropharia rugoso-annulata, student, stumble, styracosaur, styracosaurus, sub, submarine, submarine sandwich, suborder sauropodomorpha, suitability, sun king, superior thalamostriate vein, surviving, sustain, swallow, swallow-tailed coat, swallowtail, swan, swatter, sweatshirt, sweep, sweep oar, sweet bells, sweet rocket, swiss chard, sword, swordfish, swordtail, sword bean, symphonic music, symphony, tabasco, tacker, tailwort, taira, tall bellflower, tamanoir, tamarin, tamarind, tamarindo, tamarindus indica, tamarind tree, tangle orchid, tape, tapering, tapioca plant, tar-wood, tara vine, tarnish, tarsal gland, tarwood, tasmanian devil, tatou, tattler, tatu, taxus baccata, tayra, teiid, teiid lizard, telecommunicate, tellima, tellima grandiflora, temazepam, tenpenny nail, terebellidae, tettigoniid, tettigoniidae, texas longhorn, the sailor king, thread, threadfin, three-toed sloth, threepenny, thunnus alalunga, thwartwise, tick-weed, tickseed, tickweed, tie, tiger moth, time, time-honored, time-honoured, time exposure, timothy, titanosaur, titanosaurian, titi, titi monkey, titus lucretius carus, toad, toad frog, toasting fork, toboggan, tobogganing, tody, toe, toed, toll call, toll line, tongue, toothbrush, topminnow, torpedo, torrey's pine, torrey pine, total parenteral nutrition, towhee, tpn, tracheid, tradition, tragopogon dubius, tragopogon porrifolius, train, tramp, transport, transporter, transversal, transverse, trauma, trawl, trawl line, tree cotton, tree heath, tree shrew, trek, trekker, trench, trichys lipura, tringa totanus, tripletail, tritoma, trogon, trombone, trondheim fiord, trondheim fjord, trotline, trough, trudge, true frog, trumpetfish, trunk, tube, tubing, tucson, tufted pansy, turban, turing machine, turner, tusk, twayblade, two-toed anteater, two iron, typewriter ribbon, typhaceae, typha latifolia, typical jerboa, ulster, ululate, ululation, uma notata, umbrella bird, unalterable, unceasing, undestroyable, ungainly, unicorn, unitard, unremitting, unsolvable, unwinding, ursine dasyure, ursus ursinus, urus, use, vale, valley, vanilla bean, vaulter, vegetable oyster, velvet bean, velvet osier, verdigris, vermiform, veronica agrestis, veteran, vibrissa, victual, vigna sesquipedalis, vigna unguiculata sesquipedalis, viola cornuta, viola rostrata, viola tricolor, violence, viper's grass, virginia beach, volvariella volvacea, wader, wading bird, waft, waggon, wagon, wagtail, wail, wailer, walkingstick, walking stick, wall pellitory, warhorse, warming pan, water flea, water pipe, water scorpion, water skater, water strider, wats, wats line, way, ways, wear, weatherboard, weatherboarding, web-toed salamander, wedge, weeping willow, welsh corgi, welwitschia, welwitschia mirabilis, west highland white terrier, whaleboat, whining, whip-scorpion, whip-snake, whip scorpion, whip snake, whisker, whispered, white popinac, white wax tree, white zinnia, wildebeest, wild pansy, wild tamarind, wild winterpea, william iv, willow oak, windmill grass, window box, windy, winged everlasting, wire-haired pointing griffon, without stopping, wolffish, wollemi pine, wonder bean, wonder flower, wood, woodcock snipe, woolly indris, wool grass, word, wordy, word picture, worm-shaped, worn, wyethia amplexicaulis, wynnea sparassoides, xiphias gladius, xxy-syndrome, xyphophorus helleri, yacca, yacca podocarp, yak, yard, yard-long bean, yardstick, yard measure, yarn-spinning, yataghan, yawl, yawn, year dot, yellow bone marrow, yellow marrow, yellow salsify, yorkshire terrier, yucca filamentosa, zebra-tailed lizard, zebra mussel, zebu, zep, zinnia acerosa, zostera marina

More general:
age, desire, long time, miss, want, years

abundant, ache, agelong, bimestrial, daylong, drawn-out, durable, elongate, elongated, endless, eternal, extendable, extended, extendible, far, farseeing, farsighted, foresighted, foresightful, hanker, in length, interminable, languish, lank, lasting, lengthened, lengthy, lifelong, long-acting, long-dated, long-distance, long-lasting, long-lived, long-range, long-run, long-term, longer, longest, longish, longitudinal, longsighted, longstanding, nightlong, oblong, overnight, perennial, pine, polysyllabic, prolonged, protracted, provident, retentive, semipermanent, sesquipedalian, stressed, stretch, tall, tenacious, unsound, womb-to-tomb, yearlong, yearn, yen

Also try:
— Nouns for long: time, run, way, period, periods, term, history, hair, life, hours, line, more...

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